Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime Box Art
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime Box Art


Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Super Rare Games
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Nintendo Switch [EU]
Also on Platforms: PS4 [NA] PSN (PS4) [EU] PSN (PS4) [NA] Steam Switch eShop [EU] Switch eShop [NA] Switch [NA] Xbox One Digital [EU] Xbox One Digital [NA]
Genre: Action
Rating: PEGI - 7 (Europe)
Item Number: TSA-HAC-AF3MA-UKV
Barcode: 604565041098
Release Date: August 16 2018
Description: originally packaged in plastic casing
"Super Rare Games" label outside of sealed copies only
additional keepcase back item number: HAC-P-AF3MA
Super Rare Games #4

• trading card pack in plastic casing housing three of five cards:
◦ LIDS-001 Anti-Love Bug
◦ LIDS-002 Hive Queen
◦ LIDS-003 Drillfoot
◦ LIDS-004 Mine O'War
◦ LIDS-005
• Super Rare Games sticker
• Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime keepcase housing:
◦ cartridge item number: LA-H-AF3MA-EUR
◦ instruction booklet
◦ interior artwork

print run of 3,000
exclusively available from Super Rare Games
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
03-23-2022 dhaabi Description originally packaged in plastic casing "Super Rare Games" label outside of sealed copies only additional keepcase back item number: HAC-P-AF3MA Super Rare Games #4 includes: • trading card pack in plastic casing housing three of five cards: ? LIDS-001 Anti-Love Bug ? LIDS-002 Hive Queen ? LIDS-003 Drillfoot ? LIDS-004 Mine O'War ? LIDS-005 • Super Rare Games sticker • Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime keepcase housing: ? cartridge item number: LA-H-AF3MA-EUR ? instruction booklet ? interior artwork print run of 3,000 exclusively available from Super Rare Games
03-23-2022 dhaabi Back Box Art new
03-23-2022 dhaabi Front Box Art new
11-07-2018 nicolauscamp Back Box Art new
11-07-2018 nicolauscamp Front Box Art new
08-23-2018 mastafafik Publisher 5044
08-23-2018 mastafafik Barcode 604565041098
08-23-2018 mastafafik Item Number TSA-HAC-AF3MA-UKV
08-23-2018 mastafafik Genre 1
07-17-2018 nicolauscamp Created

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