Fe Box Art



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Alt-Name FE
Publisher(s): Electronic Arts
Developer(s): Zoink Games
Platform: PlayStation Network (PS4) [NA]
Also on Platforms: PC - Digital PSN (PS4) [EU] Switch eShop [EU] Switch eShop [NA] Xbox One Digital [NA]
Genre: Action-Adventure
Rating: ESRB - E (US / Canada)
Item Number: CUSA-09058
Release Date: February 16 2018
Description: NA
Box Text: Fe is a new type of platform adventure where the story is up to you to discover, without handholding, told wordlessly through the discoveries you make during gameplay.

Run, climb and glide your way through a dark Nordic forest and explore its living, breathing ecosystem filled with secrets and mystical creatures.

At the heart of the experience is a tactile, analogue song mechanic that allows you to communicate and speak to every living thing in the forest.

Learn a diverse array of animal cries that allow you to befriend or manipulate any creature - even plants. Have birds guide you, bears fight for you and have plants grow berries that help you overcome the Silent Ones.

Become Fe and discover a world that you will never want to leave.
Date User Field Value
12-13-2019 empovyle Front Box Art new
12-13-2019 empovyle Box Text Fe is a new type of platform adventure where the story is up to you to discover, without handholding, told wordlessly through the discoveries you make during gameplay. Run, climb and glide your way through a dark Nordic forest and explore its living, breathing ecosystem filled with secrets and mystical creatures. At the heart of the experience is a tactile, analogue song mechanic that allows you to communicate and speak to every living thing in the forest. Learn a diverse array of animal cries that allow you to befriend or manipulate any creature - even plants. Have birds guide you, bears fight for you and have plants grow berries that help you overcome the Silent Ones. Become Fe and discover a world that you will never want to leave.
12-13-2019 empovyle Item Number CUSA-09058
12-13-2019 empovyle Release Date - Day 16
12-13-2019 empovyle Release Date - Year 2018
12-13-2019 empovyle Release Date - Month 2
12-13-2019 empovyle Genre 26
12-13-2019 empovyle Rating 2
12-13-2019 empovyle Publisher 14
12-13-2019 empovyle Developer 6649
08-20-2018 Konstruct Created

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