Project Eden promotional flyer Box Art


Project Eden promotional flyer

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Eidos
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Artwork
Genre: NA
Rating: ESRB - RP (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Barcode: NA
Release Date: 2000
Description: Promotional flyer handed out at certain video game retailers advertising the game.
Box Text: Go to Hell
Come to Eden

Due to severe overpopulation, the Earth's diameter is increasing with the growth of towering mega-cities. As civilization climbs high into the sky, it buries below its refuse: criminals, the wretched and the deranged. Now, amidst reports of violence and atrocity in lower levels, a service crew has disappeared without a trace.

⁃ Lead a team of specialists into an abyss of vast caverns, snake-like passageways and luring dead-ends.

⁃ Tread lightly, the depths belong to twisted cults, mutants and hideous creatures that were never meant to exist.

⁃ Play in single player mode, or with up to 4 other in multiplayer.


Available for
PlayStation 2
Date User Field Value
12-04-2023 pzeke Box Text Go to Hell Come to Eden Due to severe overpopulation, the Earth's diameter is increasing with the growth of towering mega-cities. As civilization climbs high into the sky, it buries below its refuse: criminals, the wretched and the deranged. Now, amidst reports of violence and atrocity in lower levels, a service crew has disappeared without a trace. ? Lead a team of specialists into an abyss of vast caverns, snake-like passageways and luring dead-ends. ? Tread lightly, the depths belong to twisted cults, mutants and hideous creatures that were never meant to exist. ? Play in single player mode, or with up to 4 other in multiplayer. PROJECT EDEN Available for PC PlayStation 2
10-19-2020 tripredacus Name Project Eden promotional flyer
01-24-2019 pzeke Created

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