RayCrisis: Series Termination promotional flyer Box Art


RayCrisis: Series Termination promotional flyer

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Working Designs
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Artwork
Genre: NA
Rating: ESRB - E (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Barcode: NA
Release Date: 2000
Description: Promotional flyer handed out at certain video game retailers advertising the game.

Prepare Your Senses
Reinforce Your Nerves
Limber Your Trigger Finger
The Final Assault Has Begun

▽RayCrisis Shooter's Extravaganza
Over $10,000 in Amazing Prizes!

•1 Full-Size Arcade Pinball Machine!
•1 Portable DVD Player!
•5 Home DVD Players!
•10 MC-P10 MP3 Music Clip Units!
•See complete contest details at www.workingdesigns.com
Date User Field Value
12-04-2023 pzeke Box Text RAYCRISIS SERIES TERMINATION Prepare Your Senses Reinforce Your Nerves Limber Your Trigger Finger The Final Assault Has Begun ?RayCrisis Shooter's Extravaganza Over $10,000 in Amazing Prizes! •1 Full-Size Arcade Pinball Machine! •1 Portable DVD Player! •5 Home DVD Players! •10 MC-P10 MP3 Music Clip Units! •See complete contest details at www.workingdesigns.com
12-04-2023 pzeke Name RayCrisis: Series Termination promotional flyer
01-24-2019 pzeke Created

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