Inside My Radio Box Art


Inside My Radio

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PlayStation Network (PS4) [EU]
Also on Platforms: Steam Wii U eShop [EU] Wii U eShop [NA] Xbox One Digital [EU]
Genre: Platformer
Rating: PEGI - 7 (Europe)
Item Number: CUSA-01097
Release Date: January 19 2016
Description: NA
Box Text: Can you beat the beat? Journey as a green LED mysteriously trapped inside a dying boombox and play the ultimate musical experience. In this rhythmic platform adventure where your every action needs to be right on the beat, bring electro, dub and disco music back to life!

Rhythmic awareness is vital when you jump, dash or slam. You have to hit that beat! Never under any circumstances should you play on mute!

Feel creative, play with the music and unleash your inner musician! Inside My Radio lets you compose the track: YOU are in control, either with your actions, movements or jam zone, where you can freely choose and mix the tracks the way you want.

The game is a mix-tape where every level is a different track: every level brings different variations to electro, disco or dub!

Time Attack mode - It’s rhythm or die time: the more you hit the beat, the higher your score multiplier goes, the better your score. Don’t miss a beat or you will lose your multiplier AND get a time penalty!
Date User Field Value
03-04-2019 markus Created

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