Too Human Box Art


Too Human

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): Microsoft
Developer(s): Silicon Knights
Platform: Xbox Games Store (X360) [NA]
Also on Platforms: Guide Xbox 360 Digital [EU] Xbox 360 [EU] Xbox 360 [NA] Xbox Live (Xbox Series X) [NA] Xbox One Digital [NA]
Genre: Action-Adventure
Rating: ESRB - T (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Release Date: August 3 2010
Description: NA
Box Text: As the cybernetic god Baldur, players are thrust into the midst of an ongoing battle that threatens the existence of mankind. An ancient machine presence has forced the hand of the gods, and now Baldur is charged with defending humanity from an onslaught of monstrous war machines bent on the eradication of human life.
Date User Field Value
04-29-2020 ryanwm1 Front Box Art new
04-29-2020 ryanwm1 Box Text As the cybernetic god Baldur, players are thrust into the midst of an ongoing battle that threatens the existence of mankind. An ancient machine presence has forced the hand of the gods, and now Baldur is charged with defending humanity from an onslaught of monstrous war machines bent on the eradication of human life.
04-29-2020 ryanwm1 Release Date - Year 2010
04-29-2020 ryanwm1 Release Date - Day 3
04-29-2020 ryanwm1 Rating 4
04-29-2020 ryanwm1 Release Date - Month 8
04-29-2020 ryanwm1 Genre 26
04-29-2020 ryanwm1 Publisher 1
04-29-2020 ryanwm1 Developer 159
06-11-2019 bigcraboski Created

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