NG Box Art
NG Box Art
NG Box Art



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Alt-Name Spirit Hunter: NG
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Aksys Games
Developer(s): Experience Inc.
Platform: PlayStation 4 [NA]
Also on Platforms: PS4 [EU] Switch [EU] Switch [NA]
Genre: Adventure
Rating: ESRB - M (US / Canada)
Item Number: 2105167
Barcode: 853736006736
Release Date: October 10 2019
Description: Additional IDs: Above UPC: NG-PS4-CVR
Box Text: Beware
the Creeping

Face the nightmares you thought were merely urban legends.
Uncover a dark mystery, making deadly decisions just to survive.
The choices you make determine your fate and affect the lives of everyone around you.

1 Player
3229MB Minimum
Dualshock 4
Date User Field Value
06-12-2021 bigbossman Cart/Disc/Media Art new
06-12-2021 bigbossman Back Box Art new
05-14-2021 cirdan77 Description Additional IDs: Above UPC: NG-PS4-CVR
05-14-2021 cirdan77 Box Text Beware the Creeping Horror... Face the nightmares you thought were merely urban legends. Uncover a dark mystery, making deadly decisions just to survive. The choices you make determine your fate and affect the lives of everyone around you. 1 Player 3229MB Minimum Dualshock 4
05-14-2021 cirdan77 Barcode 853736006736
05-14-2021 cirdan77 Item Number 2105167
03-13-2020 tripredacus Release Type 0
09-01-2019 afroyoshi Release Date - Day 10
09-01-2019 afroyoshi Developer 6630
09-01-2019 afroyoshi Alt-Name Spirit Hunter: NG
09-01-2019 afroyoshi Name NG
08-05-2019 tripredacus Description
07-15-2019 weirdfeline Created

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