Activision Demo Action Pack Box Art
Activision Demo Action Pack Box Art
Activision Demo Action Pack Box Art


Activision Demo Action Pack

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Alt-Name Demo Disc, Not for Resale
Release Type: Demo
Publisher(s): Activision
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Wii Demo
Genre: NA
Rating: ESRB - E-T (US / Canada)
Item Number: RVL P R9AE
Barcode: 047875603233
Release Date: NA
Description: NA
Box Text: Five Activision game demos on one disk! Includes: Madagascar Escape 2 Africa, dancing with the stars We Dance, Big League Sports, Shreks Carnival Craze, and Monkey Mischief! Also includes: Bonus Trailers from Kung Fu Panda Legendary Warriors, Spider Man Web Of Shadows, and Kung Fu Panda The Game.
Date User Field Value
12-19-2021 dhaabi Back Box Art new
12-19-2021 dhaabi Front Box Art new
12-19-2021 dhaabi Barcode 047875603233
12-19-2021 dhaabi Item Number RVL P R9AE
12-19-2021 dhaabi Genre
12-19-2021 dhaabi Alt-Name Demo Disc, Not for Resale
05-12-2020 martymcfly Platform / Category 475
05-11-2020 martymcfly Created

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