Secret Service Box Art
Secret Service Box Art
Secret Service Box Art


Secret Service

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Activision Value Publishing
Developer(s): FUN Labs
Platform: PC [NA]
Also on Platforms: PC [NA] PS2 [EU] PS2 [NA] Xbox 360 [EU] Xbox 360 [NA]
Genre: First-person Shooter
Rating: ESRB - T (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Barcode: 047875312241
Release Date: November 2001
Description: NA
Box Text: You assume the role of Mark Brophy, a young agent just out of training. Although he is facing his first real protection assignment, Mark has acquired an extensive experience serving with elite units of the U.S. Navy. His weapons proficiency is second to none, and he is able to work both in a team and all alone, against overwhelming odds.
The game's start will find Mark assigned to protection duty. What the future brings, only time will tell.
Date User Field Value
12-28-2015 retromangia Back Box Art new
12-28-2015 retromangia Front Box Art new
12-28-2015 retromangia Box Text You assume the role of Mark Brophy, a young agent just out of training. Although he is facing his first real protection assignment, Mark has acquired an extensive experience serving with elite units of the U.S. Navy. His weapons proficiency is second to none, and he is able to work both in a team and all alone, against overwhelming odds. The game's start will find Mark assigned to protection duty. What the future brings, only time will tell.
09-09-2011 atariboy Created

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