Null Drifter Box Art


Null Drifter

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): EastAsiaSoft
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PlayStation Network (PS4) [EU]
Also on Platforms: PS4 [EU] Steam Switch eShop [EU] Switch eShop [NA]
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up
Rating: PEGI - 7 (Europe)
Item Number: CUSA-18561
Release Date: April 8 2020
Description: NA
Box Text: Minimalistic presentation, maximised action!

Blast into a 1-bit lo-fi simulation that will gradually train your skills up to become the ultimate space-fighter pilot! Secretly part of the Project Starship world, this twin-stick shooter is designed to prepare pilots for their mission against the awakened forces of the void. By slowly introducing new challenges and more frenetic battles, the Null Drifter simulation will push the limits of any pilot to the next level!

• Shoot and dash through single-screen bullet hell action!
• Experience simple yet nostalgic presentation.
• Customise video effects and color palettes.
• Test your skills in a series of gradually evolving challenges.
• Upgrade weapons on the fly!
• Enjoy an AI-composed lo-fi soundtrack.
Date User Field Value
11-17-2020 markus Created

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