Code of Princess EX Box Art


Code of Princess EX

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): Nicalis
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Nintendo eShop (Switch) [NA]
Also on Platforms: Steam Switch eShop [EU] Switch [NA]
Genre: Action-Adventure
Rating: ESRB - T (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Release Date: July 31 2018
Description: NA
Box Text: Code of Princess EX brings a unique combination of hack-and-slash beat-‘em-up action and role-playing depth to Nintendo Switch™!
Code of Princess EX brings a unique combination of hack-and-slash beat-‘em-up action and role-playing depth to Nintendo Switch™! The story follows Princess Solange of DeLuxia as she fights to restore order in a world where monsters are trying to overtake the human race. Armed with the legendary sword DeLuxcalibur, Solange assembles a team of talented fighters to join her quest. Together, they embark on an epic journey where they will confront the monster uprising and try to discover it’s secret origins.
Date User Field Value
01-14-2021 shinobiphoenix08 Created

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