Excitebike (3 screw cartridge / ©ⓂNintendo® / oval Seal) Box Art
Excitebike (3 screw cartridge / ©ⓂNintendo® / oval Seal) Box Art
Excitebike (3 screw cartridge / ©ⓂNintendo® / oval Seal) Box Art


Excitebike (3 screw cartridge / ©ⓂNintendo® / oval Seal)

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Developer(s): Nintendo R&D1
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System [US]
Genre: Racing
Rating: NA
Item Number: NES P EB
Barcode: 045496630058
Release Date: NA
Description: packaging text in English
® symbol present following Nintendo Entertainment System logo on box front and cartridge label
oval Seal of Quality present on box and cartridge label
REV-A present on box front and cartridge label
cartridge back label text: ©ⓂNintendo® 1985
cartridge top label text: Excitebike
Made in Japan 3-screw cartridge
Instruction Booklet features item number

• cartridge item number: NES-EB-USA
• Instruction Booklet item number: NES-EB-USA
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
02-28-2024 dhaabi Back Box Art new
02-28-2024 dhaabi Front Box Art new
02-28-2024 dhaabi Description packaging text in English ® symbol present following Nintendo Entertainment System logo on box front and cartridge label oval Seal of Quality present on box and cartridge label REV-A present on box front and cartridge label cartridge back label text: ©?Nintendo® 1985 cartridge top label text: Excitebike Made in Japan 3-screw cartridge Instruction Booklet features item number includes: • cartridge item number: NES-EB-USA • Instruction Booklet item number: NES-EB-USA
02-28-2024 dhaabi Barcode 045496630058
02-22-2024 dhaabi Release Date - Year 0
02-22-2024 dhaabi Release Date - Day 0
02-22-2024 dhaabi Release Date - Month 0
02-22-2024 dhaabi Description cartridge front: Nintendo Entertainment System®, oval Seal of Quality, NES-EB-USA, Made in Japan cartridge back: 3 screw, REV-A, ©?Nintendo® 1985 cartridge top: Excitebike
02-22-2024 dhaabi Name Excitebike (3 screw cartridge / ©?Nintendo® / oval Seal)
02-22-2024 dhaabi Description cartridge front: Nintendo Entertainment System®, oval Seal of Quality, NES-EB-USA, Made in Japan cartridge front: 3 screw, REV-A, ©?Nintendo® 1985 cartridge top: Excitebike
02-22-2024 dhaabi Item Number NES P EB
02-22-2024 dhaabi Name Excitebike (3 screw cartridge/ ©?Nintendo® / oval Seal)
01-23-2021 reckoning Created

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