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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Special Reserve Games
Developer(s): Reikon Games
Platform: Nintendo Switch [NA]
Also on Platforms: Epic PSN (PS4) [EU] PSN (PS4) [NA] Steam Switch eShop [EU] Switch eShop [NA] Switch [JP] Xbox One Digital [NA]
Genre: Action-Adventure
Rating: ESRB - M (US / Canada)
Item Number: RUIN01SRG20ALT-SW
Barcode: NA
Release Date: June 18 2020
Description: Ruiner is a shooter game played from an overhead perspective. The game takes place in 2091 and is set in a cyberpunk metropolis known as Rengkok. The player takes control of a silent, masked protagonist who attempts to rescue their kidnapped brother from a failing conglomerate, known as Heaven, that controls Rengkok.
Box Text: Perfect Future.
In the year 2091 pervasive advancements in technology and computerization haven't changed human nature.
Playing with people's lives has never been more fun.
Date User Field Value
06-25-2021 dhaabi Publisher 4948
02-28-2021 aliensstudios Front Box Art new
02-28-2021 aliensstudios Back Box Art new
02-10-2021 himaru Back Box Art new
02-10-2021 himaru Front Box Art new
02-09-2021 himaru Created

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