Neo Cab Box Art


Neo Cab

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Nintendo eShop (Switch) [NA]
Also on Platforms: Steam Switch eShop [EU]
Genre: Adventure
Rating: ESRB - M (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Release Date: October 3 2019
Description: NA
Box Text: Stay Human!
Stay human in a world overcome by automation. Play as Lina, one of the last human driver-for-hire on the streets of Los Ojos. Your friend and only lifeline has gone missing; with no money and nowhere to stay, the only thing you can do is keep driving. Choose what passengers to pick up and how you engage with them to learn their stories. Balance your own emotional wellbeing with the needs of your pax as you strive to keep your perfect rating, and your job. Maybe someone in this city can help you with your own story?

Hold on to humanity in a world overcome by automation.

Meet people. Learn their stories. Stay human!

From the Neo Cab app, you’ll choose your passengers and navigate the city grid. Connect and converse with them as you drive to their destination. You’ll need to maintain your perfect rating to stay on the road. Balance your monetary needs and the needs of your passengers with your own emotional wellbeing. What’s more important: your mental health or your star rating?

Connect with your pax: Find ways to connect with passengers. Each has their own story to tell.

Uncover the secrets of Los Ojos: Lina’s best course for survival is to keep driving. Piece together what has happened to Savy as you help Lina navigate the city grid.

Balance your own emotional needs with that of your pax: Each passenger interaction will affect Lina’s mood and it’s up to you to manage their emotional wellbeing. Balance Lina’s monetary needs, the necessity for a five-star rating, and the needs of pax with what feels right.

Find your own route: Neo Cab features a branching narrative with pax stories written by Leigh Alexander, Kim Belair, Bruno Dias, Duncan Fyfe, Paula Rogers & Robin Sloan.
Date User Field Value
04-03-2021 shinobiphoenix08 Created

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