Mulaka Box Art



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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Xbox Live (XbOne) [NA]
Also on Platforms: PS4 [EU] Switch eShop [NA] Switch [EU] Xbox One Digital [EU]
Genre: Action-Adventure
Rating: ESRB - T (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Release Date: March 2 2018
Description: NA
Box Text: Dive into northern Mexico's breathtaking landscapes with Mulaka, a 3D action-adventure game based on the rich indigenous culture of the Tarahumara. Renowned for their impressive running abilities, embark on the journey of a Sukurúame - a Tarahumara shaman - as you fight back the foulness corrupting the land, while drawing upon the powers of demigods. From solving puzzles in environments inspired by real Sierra Tarahumara locations, to heated hand-to-hand combat with creatures pulled from the region’s mythology, find out why the Tarahumara have earned a reputation for being superhumans.
Date User Field Value
09-20-2021 spectre51 Box Text Dive into northern Mexico's breathtaking landscapes with Mulaka, a 3D action-adventure game based on the rich indigenous culture of the Tarahumara. Renowned for their impressive running abilities, embark on the journey of a Sukurúame - a Tarahumara shaman - as you fight back the foulness corrupting the land, while drawing upon the powers of demigods. From solving puzzles in environments inspired by real Sierra Tarahumara locations, to heated hand-to-hand combat with creatures pulled from the region’s mythology, find out why the Tarahumara have earned a reputation for being superhumans.
09-20-2021 spectre51 Release Date - Year 2018
09-20-2021 spectre51 Release Date - Day 2
09-20-2021 spectre51 Release Date - Month 3
09-20-2021 spectre51 Rating 4
09-20-2021 spectre51 Genre 26
05-16-2021 ferchokyzer Created

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