TakeOver, The Box Art


TakeOver, The

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): Dangen Entertainment
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PlayStation Network (PS4) [NA]
Also on Platforms: PS4 [NA] Steam Switch eShop [EU] Switch eShop [NA] Switch [NA]
Genre: Beat 'Em Up
Rating: ESRB - T (US / Canada)
Item Number: CUSA-17160
Release Date: May 20 2021
Description: NA
Box Text: The TakeOver is at heart an old school beat 'em up inspired by the timeless classics of the 1990s. Although the gameplay is based on these classic games it offers an extended combo system, fast gameplay and modern visuals. Using a combination of full 3D backgrounds and high definition pre-rendered sprites, the game is designed with Full HD in mind.

Take on the role of one of three streetwise action heroes on the road to revenge to save a kidnapped girl. Whether it's the fast kicks of Ethan or the devastating suplexes of Connor, there's a character for every kind of beat-em-up fan.
Date User Field Value
06-02-2021 monkeyjam Front Box Art new
05-22-2021 bigbossman Box Text The TakeOver is at heart an old school beat 'em up inspired by the timeless classics of the 1990s. Although the gameplay is based on these classic games it offers an extended combo system, fast gameplay and modern visuals. Using a combination of full 3D backgrounds and high definition pre-rendered sprites, the game is designed with Full HD in mind. Take on the role of one of three streetwise action heroes on the road to revenge to save a kidnapped girl. Whether it's the fast kicks of Ethan or the devastating suplexes of Connor, there's a character for every kind of beat-em-up fan.
05-22-2021 bigbossman Item Number CUSA-17160
05-22-2021 bigbossman Release Date - Year 2021
05-22-2021 bigbossman Release Date - Day 20
05-22-2021 bigbossman Release Date - Month 5
05-22-2021 bigbossman Rating 4
05-22-2021 bigbossman Genre 20
05-22-2021 bigbossman Publisher 5180
05-22-2021 bigbossman Name TakeOver, The
05-22-2021 dhaabi Name Takeover, The
05-22-2021 fatalhasreturned Created

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