First Tree, The Box Art


First Tree, The

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PlayStation Network (PS4) [NA]
Also on Platforms: Epic PS4 [NA] PSN (PS4) [EU] Steam Switch eShop [EU] Switch eShop [NA] Switch [EU]
Genre: NA
Rating: ESRB - E (US / Canada)
Item Number: CUSA-11699
Release Date: November 30 2018
Description: NA
Box Text: The First Tree is a third-person exploration game centered around two parallel stories: a fox trying to find her missing family, and a son reconnecting with his estranged father in Alaska. Players take control of the fox on a poignant and beautiful journey that crescendos at the source of life, and perhaps result in an understanding of death. Along the way, players can uncover artifacts and stories from the son's life as he becomes intertwined in the fox’s journey towards The First Tree.

● Not a 'fox simulator,' but an emotional, intimate story by a one-man team with an ending you won't soon forget.
● Featuring a gorgeous, orchestral soundtrack by acclaimed artists like Message to Bears, Lowercase Noises, and Josh Kramer.
● A short story-driven game (about 2 hours long) with some light puzzle solving, platforming, and no enemies.

1 player
5MB minimum save size
DUALSHOCK4 vibration
Date User Field Value
06-16-2021 cirdan77 Created

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