Willow Pattern (Super Silver) Box Art
Willow Pattern (Super Silver) Box Art
Willow Pattern (Super Silver) Box Art


Willow Pattern (Super Silver)

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Firebird Software
Developer(s): NA
Platform: ZX Spectrum
Also on Platforms: Amstrad CPC C64 [EU]
Genre: Action
Rating: NA
Item Number: NA
Barcode: 5012439003083
Release Date: 1985
Description: NA
Box Text: The beautiful Princess Koong-Shee is being forced to marry a merchant, Ta Jin against her will. She really loves a clerk, Chang, who's only hope is to force his way to the Mandarin's palace against terrible odds and help her to escape. Now play on...
Date User Field Value
07-20-2023 tripredacus Name Willow Pattern (Super Silver)
08-06-2021 dhaabi Name Willow Pattern - Super Silver
07-23-2021 dhaabi Description
07-23-2021 sweetv45 Created

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