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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): iam8bit
Developer(s): Thunder Lotus
Platform: Nintendo Switch [NA]
Also on Platforms: PC - Digital PS4 [EU] PS4 [NA] PSN (PS4) [EU] PSN (PS4) [NA] Switch eShop [EU] Switch eShop [NA] Switch [EU] Xbox One Digital [NA]
Genre: Action-Adventure
Rating: ESRB - T (US / Canada)
Item Number: HAC P AUQEA
Barcode: 811949033178
Release Date: August 3 2021
Description: packaging text in English
additional back item identifier: 3317-101

• Original Game Soundtrack and Digital Artbook code card
• "stamps" stickers sheet
• set of 6 art postcards
• game cartridge item number: LA-H-AUQEA-USA
Box Text: Spiritfarer is a cozy management game about dying. As ferrymaster to the deceased, build a boat to explore the world, care for your spirit friends, and guide them across mystical seas to finally release them into the afterlife.

What will you leave behind?
Date User Field Value
12-19-2023 silverbow Description packaging text in English additional back item identifier: 3317-101 includes: • Original Game Soundtrack and Digital Artbook code card • "stamps" stickers sheet • set of 6 art postcards • game cartridge item number: LA-H-AUQEA-USA
12-17-2023 silverbow Barcode 811949033178
08-26-2021 price5474 Front Box Art new
08-25-2021 price5474 Cart/Disc/Media Art new
08-25-2021 price5474 Back Box Art new
08-25-2021 price5474 Box Text Spiritfarer is a cozy management game about dying. As ferrymaster to the deceased, build a boat to explore the world, care for your spirit friends, and guide them across mystical seas to finally release them into the afterlife. What will you leave behind?
08-25-2021 price5474 Genre 26
08-09-2021 dagazconcept Item Number HAC P AUQEA
08-04-2021 dravensth Front Box Art new
08-04-2021 dravensth Barcode 0811949033178
08-04-2021 dravensth Release Date - Day 3
08-04-2021 dravensth Release Date - Year 2021
08-04-2021 dravensth Release Date - Month 8
08-03-2021 flavo5000 Created

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