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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Soedesco
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Nintendo Switch [NA]
Also on Platforms: PS4 [EU] PS4 [NA] PS5 [EU] PS5 [NA] PSN (PS4) [EU] PSN (PS5) [NA] Switch eShop [EU] Switch eShop [NA] Switch [EU] Xbox One [EU] Xbox One [NA]
Genre: Action-RPG
Rating: ESRB - E10+ (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Barcode: 850011116180
Release Date: October 14 2022
Description: NA
Box Text: Embark on an Epic Journey in Airoheart!

Explore the magical open-world of Engard and uncover an emotional tale of friendship, tragedy and redemption. Conquer dungeons, fight against dangerous creatures, and save the world from diabolical evil.
Date User Field Value
11-28-2022 price5474 Cart/Disc/Media Art new
11-28-2022 price5474 Back Box Art new
11-28-2022 price5474 Front Box Art new
11-28-2022 price5474 Box Text Embark on an Epic Journey in Airoheart! Explore the magical open-world of Engard and uncover an emotional tale of friendship, tragedy and redemption. Conquer dungeons, fight against dangerous creatures, and save the world from diabolical evil.
11-28-2022 price5474 Barcode 850011116180
11-28-2022 price5474 Release Date - Year 2022
11-28-2022 price5474 Release Date - Day 14
11-28-2022 price5474 Release Date - Month 10
10-21-2022 darkouer Created

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blastdude Message
darkouer Message
grimhope Message
judas77 Message
lordsofskulls Message
price5474 Message
rx79 Message
thunderbrain2002 Message

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frieman4993 Message
swirlyglass Message

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