Attack of the Zombie Horde Box Art


Attack of the Zombie Horde

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): Krooked Gaming
Developer(s): Krooked Gaming
Platform: Xbox Games Store (X360) [NA]
Genre: Action
Rating: None
Item Number: NA
Release Date: December 21 2011
Description: NA
Box Text: The latest zombie survival shooter from Krooked Gaming. In single player or up to 4 player co-op, Attack of the Zombie Horde is pure shoot em up action offering Campaign & Survival modes. Unlock new weapons as you progressively battle with a relentless onslaught of undead zombies. The mission: Your elite military unit is left stranded in a remote, frozen wasteland and it’s kill or be killed!
Date User Field Value
02-23-2012 jcalder8 Created

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