Skylanders SuperChargers - Nightfall (Night Fall) Box Art
Skylanders SuperChargers - Nightfall (Night Fall) Box Art


Skylanders SuperChargers - Nightfall (Night Fall)

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Skylanders Figures/Traps/Vehicles
Genre: NA
Rating: None
Item Number: 87530303
Barcode: 047875875302
Release Date: NA
Description: Released in North America
Made in China
This is the original release of Nightfall which includes a defective, recalled figure. The name is misspelled as "Night Fall" on the front. The SuperCharge graphic on the back depicts Spitfire and Hot Streak instead of Nightfall and Sea Shadow.
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
11-13-2022 dhaabi Name Skylanders SuperChargers - Nightfall (Night Fall)
11-12-2022 empovyle Created

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