Decap Attack Classic Box Art


Decap Attack Classic

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): Sega
Developer(s): Sega
Platform: Android
Also on Platforms: iOS
Genre: Platformer
Rating: ESRB - E10+ (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Release Date: October 25 2017
Description: Location: Google Play Store
Box Text: One of SEGA’s zaniest platformers, Decap Attack is now available on mobile! Play free and
rediscover SEGA’s bonkers head-throwing gem.

Off with his head! Then back on! Then off again! You are Chuck. D. Head, a headless hero, sent on a quest to stop the hordes of Max D. Cap taking over the world. Lob your detachable skull at barmy bad guys, traverse weird and wonderful lands and use your head to bring peace to the world – literally!

Decap Attack joins the ever-increasing line-up of ‘SEGA Forever’, a treasure trove of free SEGA console classics brought to life on mobile for the first time!
Date User Field Value
06-01-2023 empovyle Description Location: Google Play Store
05-27-2023 empovyle Created

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