Undawn Box Art



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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): Level Infinite
Developer(s): LightSpeed Studios
Platform: Android
Also on Platforms: iOS
Genre: Action-Adventure
Rating: ESRB - T (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Release Date: June 12 2023
Description: Location: Google Play Store
Box Text: Explore, adapt, and survive in Undawn, a free-to-play open-world survival RPG for mobile and PC developed by LightSpeed Studios and published by Level Infinite. Embark on an adventure with other survivors four years after a worldwide disaster where hordes of infected roam a shattered world. Undawn combines PvP and PvE modes as players fend off dual threats of the infected and other humans as they fight to survive in this apocalyptic wasteland.
Date User Field Value
06-16-2023 empovyle Publisher 5490
06-16-2023 empovyle Developer 7577
06-15-2023 empovyle Front Box Art new
06-15-2023 empovyle Created

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