Kid Chameleon Classic Box Art


Kid Chameleon Classic

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): Sega
Developer(s): Sega
Platform: iOS
Also on Platforms: Android
Genre: Platformer
Rating: NA
Item Number: 1227823341
Release Date: NA
Description: Compatibility: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
Box Text: Unleash your super powers in SEGA’s colossal platformer Kid Chameleon! Play free and experience one of the largest platformers ever created.

You are Kid Chameleon, an ordinary kid given strange and fantastic new powers through the use of magical masks. When the villain of a new arcade game escapes into our reality and only you can stop him! Using the masks, transform into an unstoppable warrior, high-flying superhero, or human tank to bring him to justice!
Date User Field Value
06-24-2023 empovyle Created

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