35MM Box Art
35MM Box Art
35MM Box Art



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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Limited Run Games
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PlayStation 4 [NA]
Also on Platforms: Nintendo eShop (Switch) [EU] PSN (PS4) [NA] Steam
Genre: Adventure
Rating: ESRB - M (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Barcode: 810105677386
Release Date: 2023
Description: NA
Box Text: Capture the Remnants of Humanity:
Unveil the World Through Your Lens.

Embark on a post-apocalyptic journey with two travelers through a desolate wasteland, once inhabited by people before a devastating pandemic struck. Navigate deserted towns, cities, expansive fields, forests, and even a hidden underground facility across Russia. Unravel the mystery of our origins, our destination, and our ultimate fate - a revelation that awaits us at journey's end.
Date User Field Value
06-18-2024 price5474 Cart/Disc/Media Art new
06-18-2024 price5474 Back Box Art new
06-18-2024 price5474 Front Box Art new
06-18-2024 price5474 Box Text Capture the Remnants of Humanity: Unveil the World Through Your Lens. Embark on a post-apocalyptic journey with two travelers through a desolate wasteland, once inhabited by people before a devastating pandemic struck. Navigate deserted towns, cities, expansive fields, forests, and even a hidden underground facility across Russia. Unravel the mystery of our origins, our destination, and our ultimate fate - a revelation that awaits us at journey's end.
06-18-2024 price5474 Release Date - Year 2023
03-02-2024 psxlegacy Front Box Art new
10-04-2023 dhaabi Barcode 810105677386
10-04-2023 frieman4993 Created

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