BioSensor Box Art
BioSensor Box Art
BioSensor Box Art



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Alt-Name バイオセンサー [JP]
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Nintendo 64 Accessory
Genre: NA
Rating: None
Item Number: NUS-A-BIO-JPN
Barcode: NA
Release Date: 1998
Description: The Bio Sensor is an accessory released in Japan for the Nintendo 64. The accessory was made exclusively for Tetris 64 ( With the Bio Sensor, players could control the game with their heart beat. In order for it to work, the player was required to attach the clip to one of their earlobes.
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
06-15-2014 mastafafik Cart/Disc/Media Art new
06-15-2014 mastafafik Back Box Art new
06-15-2014 mastafafik Front Box Art new
06-15-2014 mastafafik Description The Bio Sensor is an accessory released in Japan for the Nintendo 64. The accessory was made exclusively for Tetris 64 ( With the Bio Sensor, players could control the game with their heart beat. In order for it to work, the player was required to attach the clip to one of their earlobes.
06-15-2014 mastafafik Item Number NUS-A-BIO-JPN
06-15-2014 mastafafik Release Date - Year 1998
06-15-2014 mastafafik Rating 9
06-15-2014 mastafafik Alt-Name ??????? [JP]
06-15-2014 mastafafik Name BioSensor
NA stuntman64 Created

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