Particulars Box Art



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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PC - Digital Download
Also on Platforms: Steam
Genre: Adventure
Rating: NA
Item Number: NA
Barcode: NA
Release Date: 2013
Description: NA
Box Text: Feeling overwhelmed by the vast, uncaring world? Maybe you need a new perspective. Look close. Closer still. And closer ...

Particulars is a game with a unique combination of arcade-action and puzzle gameplay, set in the mysterious world of subatomic particles. Alison is a young scientist who feels that life has gotten away from her. Join her on a dark and strange journey through the unsolved mysteries of the subatomic realm on her way towards regaining clarity. Other particles will push and pull at you, keeping you on the brink of losing control and being dragged towards annihilation!
Date User Field Value
09-01-2013 foxhack Box Text Feeling overwhelmed by the vast, uncaring world? Maybe you need a new perspective. Look close. Closer still. And closer ... Particulars is a game with a unique combination of arcade-action and puzzle gameplay, set in the mysterious world of subatomic particles. Alison is a young scientist who feels that life has gotten away from her. Join her on a dark and strange journey through the unsolved mysteries of the subatomic realm on her way towards regaining clarity. Other particles will push and pull at you, keeping you on the brink of losing control and being dragged towards annihilation!
09-01-2013 foxhack Release Date - Year 2013
09-01-2013 foxhack Created

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