Grandia Xtreme - Limited Box Box Art
Grandia Xtreme - Limited Box Box Art


Grandia Xtreme - Limited Box

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Alt-Name グランディア エクストリーム
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PlayStation 2 [JP]
Genre: RPG
Rating: ESRB - T (US / Canada)
Item Number: SLPM-65082
Barcode: NA
Release Date: January 31 2002
Description: Grandia Xtreme enhances the Grandia series with faster-paced exploration and discovery. The combat system returns with improved special moves and smarter AI. Create new and stronger spells, each with unique effects, as you venture into an enchanting, yet dangerous world. With over 130 different types of monsters and eight elemental lands standing between you and victory, the future of the world looks desperate. Can you avert the disaster rising from the ancient ruins?
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
11-22-2014 exonerator Name Grandia Xtreme - Limited Box
05-20-2014 djwillis808 Created

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