WarHawk (jewel case long box) Box Art
WarHawk (jewel case long box) Box Art
WarHawk (jewel case long box) Box Art


WarHawk (jewel case long box)

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer(s): Singletrac
Platform: PlayStation [NA]
Genre: Action
Rating: ESRB - K-A (US / Canada)
Item Number: SCUS-94305
Barcode: 711719430520
Release Date: November 10 1995
Description: NA
Box Text: Total 3D Destruction!

Stat: Situation critical. Kreel unstoppable. International forces crushed. Deploy “WarHawk,” highly maneuverable, air to air, air to ground capable. Target: 6 Hot Zones: over 25 areas of high engagement: very hot. Obj: Eliminate Kreel.

WarHawk-fly anywhere, anytime
Attack in any direction: Reverse, sideways, stop & hover, dive, barrel roll, loop, even Immelman turn. Stunning 360 degree flight control.

Devastating Fire Power
Wicked 3D weapons. Fire off lock-ons, rockets, multi-fire swarmers, plasma cannons, and more.

Massive 3D War Zones
Deadly air and ground forces surround you in desert and volcanic wastelands, castle hallways and chambers, a gothic tower, airships and more.

Date User Field Value
10-06-2022 tripredacus Box Text Total 3D Destruction! Stat: Situation critical. Kreel unstoppable. International forces crushed. Deploy “WarHawk,” highly maneuverable, air to air, air to ground capable. Target: 6 Hot Zones: over 25 areas of high engagement: very hot. Obj: Eliminate Kreel. WarHawk-fly anywhere, anytime Attack in any direction: Reverse, sideways, stop & hover, dive, barrel roll, loop, even Immelman turn. Stunning 360 degree flight control. Devastating Fire Power Wicked 3D weapons. Fire off lock-ons, rockets, multi-fire swarmers, plasma cannons, and more. Massive 3D War Zones Deadly air and ground forces surround you in desert and volcanic wastelands, castle hallways and chambers, a gothic tower, airships and more. 1 Player
10-06-2022 tripredacus Name WarHawk (jewel case long box)
09-07-2021 dhaabi Name WarHawk (long box)
03-08-2021 dagazconcept Barcode 711719430520
10-05-2020 pzeke Back Box Art new
10-05-2020 pzeke Cart/Disc/Media Art new
10-05-2020 pzeke Front Box Art new
10-05-2020 pzeke Description
10-05-2020 pzeke Box Text Total 3D Destruction! >>Stat: Situation critical. Kreel unstoppable. International forces crushed. Deploy “WarHawk,” highly maneuverable, air to air, air to ground capable. Target: 6 Hot Zones: over 25 areas of high engagement: very hot. Obj: Eliminate Kreel.>> >>WarHawk-fly anywhere, anytime Attack in any direction: Reverse, sideways, stop & hover, dive, barrel roll, loop, even Immelman turn. Stunning 360 degree flight control. [sic] >>Devastating Fire Power Wicked 3D weapons. Fire off lock-ons, rockets, multi-fire swarmers, plasma cannons, and more. >>Massive 3D War Zones Deadly air and ground forces surround you in desert and volcanic wastelands, castle hallways and chambers, a gothic tower, airships and more. 1 Player
10-05-2020 pzeke Item Number SCUS-94305
10-05-2020 pzeke Genre 1
10-05-2020 pzeke Developer 1216
10-05-2020 pzeke Publisher 12
03-05-2019 weirdfeline Name WarHawk (Long Box)
06-01-2014 slim87r Created

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