SanctuaryRPG Box Art



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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PC - Digital Download
Genre: RPG
Rating: NA
Item Number: NA
Barcode: NA
Release Date: NA
Description: NA
Box Text: SanctuaryRPG is a critically acclaimed strategic turn-based monster slaying and dungeon crawling adventure set in the retro ASCII-art world of Sanctuary. Drawing inspiration from Roguelikes and Japanese RPGs, we have poured over 10,000 hours of meticulous work into this game.

Every aspect is designed to offer a compelling and replayable gameplay experience. With dynamic combat, hilarious dialogue, and plenty of weapons at your disposal, this is truly one of the most ambitious ASCII-art RPGs of 2014.

Enjoy a blast from the past with retro ASCII graphics, travel through vast dungeons with classic roguelike action, experience hundreds of hours of immersive gameplay, put your strategies to work with a sleek combat system, experiment with over 160 class and race combinations, wreck your enemies with over 1400 weapons and armors, rock out to an original 8-bit chiptune soundtrack, and much more!
Date User Field Value
11-11-2014 amunjazz Created

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