Trials Fusion Box Art


Trials Fusion

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): Ubisoft
Developer(s): Redlynx
Platform: Xbox Games Store (X360) [NA]
Also on Platforms: PC - Digital PC [EU] PS4 [EU] PS4 [JP] PS4 [NA] PSN (PS4) [EU] PSN (PS4) [NA] Steam Xbox 360 Digital [EU] Xbox One Digital [EU] Xbox One Digital [NA] Xbox One [EU] Xbox One [NA]
Genre: Racing
Rating: ESRB - E10+ (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Release Date: April 16 2014
Description: NA
Box Text: Welcome to the next generation of Trials! With its glimmering vision of what our future holds were technology and nature to co-exist, combined with today's most exciting and popular motorsport, Trials Fusion has retained and enhanced the essential features from its best-selling, critically acclaimed predecessors, Trials Evolution and Trials HD. A magnificent fusion of the proven, no-frills Trials formula based on ultra-addictive competition with the cutting edge of graphics and social networking.
Date User Field Value
07-29-2024 pajam Box Text Welcome to the next generation of Trials! With its glimmering vision of what our future holds were technology and nature to co-exist, combined with today's most exciting and popular motorsport, Trials Fusion has retained and enhanced the essential features from its best-selling, critically acclaimed predecessors, Trials Evolution and Trials HD. A magnificent fusion of the proven, no-frills Trials formula based on ultra-addictive competition with the cutting edge of graphics and social networking.
07-29-2024 pajam Release Date - Day 16
07-29-2024 pajam Release Date - Year 2014
07-29-2024 pajam Release Date - Month 4
07-29-2024 pajam Rating 3
07-29-2024 pajam Publisher 11
07-29-2024 pajam Developer 3761
07-29-2024 pajam Front Box Art new
08-19-2017 doafan Front Box Art new
12-01-2014 prozak666 Created

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