Main ListPrevious Listbold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
standard games are games I am not currently trying to beat.
strikethrough games are games that have been abandoned.
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (GCN)
Started this one up as 100, but took a break from it so it wasn't game 100 on my list, and I'm glad I did that. This game is one of the worst games I've ever played. Consistently throughout the game did I phase through walls and just die, the game had no sense of targeting so I'd fall off the level when trying to land on grinding rails, frustrating instant death mechanics, enemies that could instant kill you somehow invalidating invulnerability after taking damage, and just generally poor game/level design. Again, I get shit from people who claim I didn't beat the game because I didn't 100% beat the game, I'm very confused by this, beating a game is beating a game, not completing a game. Just a terrible game
Rating: Hard pass.
Super Mario 64 (NS)
Got the Super Mario 3D All-stars collection in the mail and decided to play some of Mario 64, then decided might as well beat it. Just as good and frustrating as I remember. No octagonal gates makes directional inputs feel off. Using a joystick for the c buttons feels odd. No option for invert on sticks, absolutely terrible. Game aged incredibly poorly, but it's totally playable. Game is using the release that patched out most glitches so can't beat the game with like 16 stars. I still love this game and at least like 4 of its levels, I tolerate most, and hate a bunch. Getting thrown from levels is frustrating, accidentally collecting stars while working on other stars is also frustrating. I have a lot of complaints, but I don't regret my time revisiting this game.
Rating: Soft recommendation
Sonic Heroes (GCN)
This actually isn't supposed to be next on the list, but I'm still doing extra content in Pokemon Picross, so Sonic Advance games get to wait. I might actually wind up playing these simultaneously with how I balance handheld and console games, so we'll see. Though I've got a lot of handheld Sonic games before the next console title... which I think is Shadow. Anyway, this game is terrible. I loaded up the game and created a save slot and started story mode. Beat the first level, but it actively said "Continue without saving" because I didn't go into options and load my created save file before starting story mode. WTF, so I had to redo the first level. Game still has the terrible oh you phased through a wall and now you're dead issue. Got all the way to the final level, got all the way to the end of the final level, but didn't understand that you have to hold B to speed up on the grinding rails, because the icon implies to mash B, not hold B, so I died and got a game over. I nearly abandoned the game right there. I used Action Replay to beat that level because fuck redoing that terrible level because of the game's inability to properly convey what to do. Final boss was bullshit instant death mechanics out the wazoo. I spent more time standing around waiting for an opportunity to make a jump so I didn't instant die than anything else. Honestly, I was like can't get worse than SA2, but they outdid themselves.
Rating: Hardest of passes.
Ring Fit Adventure (NS)
I've heard so much from folks using this as a daily exercise routine and getting good results. Then pandemic and scalping happened. Now they are being produced again and I'm glad to say I got one of my own and I'm giving this a go. It's a decent workout for me, I'm playing in silent mode, because I'm adamantly not a fan of running in place. I have a bad knee, so even silent mode is quite trying because you're doing squats instead of running in place, hopefully this can work as a sort of rehab for my bad knee. So, I had stopped playing this for like a month, felt like it had only been like a week, but apparently it had been like a month. My wife finally decided to start playing it and that encouraged me to hop back into it. I watched her play and realized that I was overdoing my squats for silent mode and that's what was killing my knees, now that I'm doing lazy squats (as I like to call them, or really you're just teabagging

) it isn't so bad. So now I'm putting in 10-20 minutes each day and progressing through story mode. I think I'm currently level 19 and my difficulty level is 17, working my way up. Now I'm up at level 30 something and difficulty level 22, so I'm up with my wife, and we're both about the same place in the adventure mode, we're just constantly try to either keep up or get ahead of each other. I'm really only going to update this every other week or so. I'm at level 60 something and difficulty 27, I'm doing about 2 hours a day which works out to about 40 minutes of active exercise. At this point, I'm about level 100 and I blew out my knee the other day, so I'm dialing it back as best I can and laying off of knee exercises as well. I'm currently at world 19 out of 23 I think, and I'm at the tail end of that world, so getting closer and closer to "beating" the game, I know the game keeps going afterward and I'll probably keep playing as it's good exercise, I've lost 3-5 lbs already. I'm level 171 and still difficulty level 27 and putting in about 30 minutes of active exercise daily. Once I beat World 23, I'll mark it as beat and stop updating this though. Finally beat the game. Level 220ish, 30.5 hours of exercise, and I've lost roughly 10lb. Going to plan on still doing this every day, but I won't be updating anymore.
Rating: Highly recommended.
Word Search by POWGI (PS Vita)
More POWGI puzzle games! Just a generic word search game, nothing special. This one is taking me forever to finish. It's got like 400 word search puzzles. I'm nearly done with it. I don't know that I want this game to be 104 though, so I may take my time with this so Ringfit can be 104.
Rating: Hard pass.
One Word by POWGI (PS Vita)
Another POWGI game. I just couldn't care with this one, it's a word search, but you only get the letters for the word you want, my eyes aren't good with that, so this was a miserable experience.
Rating: Hard pass.
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona (PSP)
I've finally decided to start my franchise run of the Persona series. Mind you, if I hate this so much, I may not, but it's the plan. I beat my 104 goal, so I've got 3 months with no real goal in mind, so I've decided to aim for longer games, and what's longer than Persona? So far, really enjoying the game. I'm having no problem whatsoever playing this and only thing, I normally have a handheld and a console game going, but I'm playing this on what would be my console game time. Throw some anime on the TV and play away. I'm really not a fan of the fact that RPGs increment the gameplay timer when the game is paused. I'm *really* not a fan of the fact that this RPG increments the gameplay timer when the system is in standby mode. So it claims I'm at 200 hours of gameplay, really have no clue how long this game is taking me because of that. Pretty much had no trouble with this game until near the end. I had two issues. 1) Gaining spell cards has been an ordeal for me because I've been consistently underleveled for gaining cards the entire game, so I've been having to grind not to beat bosses, but to be able to be high enough level to gain spell cards

2) This dungeon I've made it to is so bullshit. So many enemies with instant death mechanics, only 2 people in my party... and if you run into a group of succubus kiss your evening goodbye, you can't kill them, they spam charm, and you can't run away... it's a recipe for an immediate gameover. 3) You can't run away. Here's hoping future games fix this issue? Overall I really enjoyed the game, but it got real bullshit near the end.
Rating: Really soft recommendation.
Tracks (X1)
I went on Xbox yesterday to do my Rewards stuff for the week, and I noticed there were a bunch of new Monthly cards to do (Worth roughly 12,500 reward points overall). The gist of them is earn up to 10,000 achievement points and get up to 10,000 reward points, point for point. So I went looking for games with quick and easy achievements, about an hour in this game nets you the full 1,000 points, so I went ahead and played the game through pretty much all of it's base content. I'm going to wind up playing through a lot of games, and I don't know if I'll count them because I'm not "beating" them so much as just earning as many achievements as I can. Game probably is pretty entertaining, but it just doesn't seem like much to it. Game's purpose is probably play to play.
Rating: Hard pass... I guess
Minit (X1)
More games played just to boost gamerscore to get MS Rewards points. Saw that this one can get 1000 in an hour or so, so I spent my evening last night playing through this and getting all of the achievements. Really enjoyable game, makes me consider giving Majora's Mask a try, but this is in small repeatable bursts whereas Majora it's 3 "days" instead of 60 seconds. One day... one day. I don't remember what I gave this game when I played it earlier this year, but I'm gonna go with a good ole highly recommended because it's just such an enjoyable game.
Rating: Highly recommended.
Fractured Minds (X1)
Saw that this one can get the 1000 points in like 20-30 minutes so I gave this one a go. I had been ignoring it for the longest time because it looked like it was going to be a spooky game. spoiler: it's not. It's an artsy, emotionally driven game, won indie awards and such. I normally love these types of games, but this was pretty bad. Like I definitely recommend it for the points, but it's just not worth your time otherwise.
Rating: Hard pass.
Minecraft (X1)
I was thinking about not adding this one, but I did play it for quite a bit, got all of the achievements on one version and then went and played an older version trying to get more achievements. The achievement world thing is very interesting and I won't say quickly, but easily can net you the full near 3000 achievement points, which is great for the Xbox Hall of Fame thing. I'm sitting at like 9080 achievement points earned this month for this thing which is great. Today starts a new achievement week with Rewards so I'll probably go do PixARK's trial to get the 1000 points from that since allegedly that works. I may not write about it because it's a trial and I think I'm not actually playing the game similar to some of the other games I just got points from and didn't actually play.
Rating: It's minecraft, of course it's recommended.
Super Mario Maker 2 (NS)
I wasn't intending on beating this game or even counting it. I loaded this up to sort of give my kid the opportunity to start playing video games. I was intending on making simple levels for him and then handing him a tiny switch controller for him to play. The game doesn't let you swap controllers quickly or anything, which is a huge bummer. The kid's tiny controller doesn't have all of the buttons necessary to make levels so I have to use my controller to make levels, shut off my controller, turn on his controller, hand him his controller. and then hope he doesn't press the quit level button because you can't easily restart the level with his controller. I kind of gave up on it quickly and just proceeded to play through the game while he watched.
Rating: Recommended... but not for what I wanted.
What Remains of Edith Finch (X1)
Another game being played because it's got easy achievements, relatively quick too. Maybe 3-4 hours and you get the full 1000 points with minor skill needed for one achievement. I've played this game before and I love the story. I think when I last played the game I didn't have a kid, so Gregory's story really fucked me up. Yeah, I played it almost a year before my kid was born. I know the Gregory story messed with me last time too, but it really fucked with me this time because as much as my kid makes me angry (on purpose I'd bet) it would destroy me for something like that to happen. Anyway, I really enjoy this game's story, having already done all the things before it doesn't have a lot of replay value though. It's definitely one of those games where I think physical serves better because beat the game, sell the game, instead of beat the game and be stuck with this digital download that you're never going to use again. It's my big issue with digital in general.
Rating: For Game Pass, absolutely recommended. For buying, gotta say it's a toss up, super soft pass or recommendation.
Super Mario Sunshine (NS)
I wasn't really intending on counting this game, but I'm playing it quite a bit when spending time with my kid so I'll probably wind up beating it at some point, might as well track it. I played it for a bit after finishing Super Mario 64 but I just wasn't feeling it. Having taken some time away from it and coming back after SMM2, I'm sort of enjoying my time with it. I'm remembering how the controls are still pretty frustrating. The switch controller still isn't very good. You lose the pressure sensitive buttons and mario doesn't "walk" well so you run or you don't run, walking is such hit or miss garbage. I died 15-20 times on one galaxy precursor space no fludd having platforming segments. I remember for the longest time I didn't know Yoshi was in this game because I never recalled seeing it advertised and I kept not getting far enough to unlock Yoshi. I also remember once getting Yoshi it being pretty frustrating to control for some of the stuff, but I'm curious if I'm getting that mixed up with Galaxy. We'll see. I was getting it confused with Galaxy for sure, but Yoshi
is frustrating because it's almost certainly tied to water areas which is instant death for Yoshi, and getting Yoshi isn't like SNES just hitting a box, you gotta go find the specific fruit he wants. It was a pain but 100% completed this game, collected all shines and blue coins and such.
Rating: Recommended
Super Mario World (NSO)
Decided to play this because my kid keeps yelling for more pod games, no clue what he's trying to say, but I know he means Mario. Normally when I play this, I go through the warps and beat it in like 15 minutes, but I decided to go through as much as I could bother. Beat all the world's main bosses, got through the special world, and beat Bowser through the front door. Probably ended around 70-80 exits.
Rating: Highly recommended, obviously
Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels (NSO)
Someone on Discord was talking shit about how SMB2 (USA) is the best Mario game and that SMB2 (JP) was the worst Mario game. I disagree, I had never beaten SMB2 (JP) but I could honestly say SMB2 (USA) is my least favorite Mario game hands down (at least of the games I've played). Their argument was the JP was too hard, like ridiculously deviously hard. So I beat it in about an hour. I did use warp pipes, I'll admit that, and I obviously looked up the correct paths for the boss levels, but the game was super enjoyable. I then tried to play USA, and I got bored before I got to the second level. I mean USA isn't even a Mario game.
Rating: Soft recommendation
Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker (NS)
I mean technically, I don't know how much I should count this as beat. I beat Episode 1, credits rolled. Episode 2 unlocked which is playing through a new set of like 20 levels as Toadette instead of Toad. I'm gonna count it for now, if I go back this year and beat the rest of Episode 2, I probably won't count it separately. It's a puzzle game. I'm not a huge fan of this type of puzzle game, I get pretty bored pretty quickly with this type of thing.
Rating: Soft pass.
Afterparty (X1)
I had been interested in this game for some time, I saw it was getting delisted on Halloween so I decided to prioritize playing it and got my wife to sit with me while I played it, handed her the controller on occasion to help with decisions and stuff. Game is pretty interesting, they don't really ever explain why they went to hell specifically, but I gather that pretty much everyone goes to hell regardless, so I won't dwell on that too much. Sounds like the bad ending leaves it open for a sequel. Honestly, I really enjoyed this game. I would've liked different dialogue choices I think, but you're playing a character and are stuck with what the writers decided are what the characters would possibly say, so whatever. Enjoyable regardless, and got quite a few chuckles out of it.
Rating: Really soft recommendation.
Party Hard (PS4)
Here's my annual complain about my neighbor entry. My neighbor had a huge Halloween party on Halloween. Invited tons of people, had a pinata, huddled up on a bonfire, and blared music all night long. Normally, I would stay up all night long, super angry, and just trying to find something to use up my time until they yield and I can sleep. Normally, that's playing Party Hard and living vicariously through the protagonist. But I just couldn't do it because it didn't matter what I did, I could hear and feel their music over anything I did. We have no noise ordinances and I can't call the cops or do a lawsuit unless I can prove monetary loss/cost due to the nuisance. We're due to be annexed in the next few years at which point we will have a noise ordinance, but ACAB and they don't actually enforce the noise ordinances anyway. Anyway, I spent the next day playing this game because I was still angry about the ordeal, I had already beaten this game, but I hadn't done the extra bonus levels, so I played through and beat all of the bonus levels. Some pretty tough, some pretty fun, some just outlandishly random to beat. Enjoyable as always. Anyway, went to the furthest room in my house from the neighbor, blared a white noise machine, had my work computer on being loud fanned af, turned on some fans, and managed to have a miserable nights sleep due to all the elements.
Rating: Biased Recommendation.
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