Thanks to replaying Jedi Fallen Order, I recently got heavily back into Star Wars to a level I haven't experienced since before seeing The Last Jedi. I decided to tackle possible the most acclaimed and loved Star Wars novel of the entire expanded universe. All I've heard for decades is how incredible the Thrawn Trilogy is and how it really set the standard for Star Wars books. And look, I get this isn't a comic, but seeing how we don't have a scifi novel thread, this was the next closest thing. But after reading Heir to the Empire I have to say...I'm actually really disappointed.
It was impossible for me not to have really high expectations of these book before reading it, however I felt the story was poorly paced and fairly boring, and the main antagonist Grand Admiral Thrawn is sort of a boring character, mostly because he seemed to have clairvoyance rather than a keen military astuteness, and also his military plans seem to be more of a convoluted mess rather than some grand, airtight scheme. There are also way to many conveniences and coincidences throughout the book that really had me tilting my head. And just overall, I didn't get nearly as much out of these books as I'd hoped despite liking a few parts a decent amount. I felt like I was forcing myself through most of this book which is never a good feeling.
I know I might get hate for my opinions on Heir to the Empire, but it ended up being vastly inferior to most other Star Wars novels I've read actually. I can't see myself reading the other two books anytime soon, so I'll probably just track down the Thrawn Trilogy comics and get the gist of what happens through those.