Author Topic: My 8-Bits: PC-50X Consoles  (Read 2519 times)


My 8-Bits: PC-50X Consoles
« on: April 13, 2014, 05:28:01 pm »
This will be a forum series where I'll talk about the history and my experience with the gaming consoles I own and this time I'm reviewing a really obscure series of consoles best known as the PC-50X. (The X stands for Versions 1-8)

PC-50X Consoles

I know what you thinking, What the hell is a PC-50X? Well back when Pong consoles where expensive Many companies in Europe and Australia came out with a series of “programmable game consoles” (and I use that term lightly) that where cheaper starting in 1975. These went under several different names. Names like, “Audio Sonic Telesports IV”, “Bodenfund Programmable Video Game”, and the one I happen to own the “Lark Programmable TV Game System”. These consoles where all the same just different outer shells. they all had an analog style joy stick and most all where packed with one or two games. Tennis Sports and or Auto Racing. The player could push buttons on the console to change the way the game played. As far as I can find, there where eight games released on these consoles. Supersports, Road Race, Motor Cycle, Tank Battle, Submarine, Super Wipeout, Shooting Gallery.

How did it do?
Fairly well from what I could find on them, Because in most of Europe and Australia they didn't get Atari 2600 til the 80s These systems filled the gaming void. They where made pretty much from 1975 to 1980ish.

It's basically the same as most Pong clones, and the racing game looks and plays pretty much much like street racer for the Atari 2600. What few pictures I found of the other games, it looks pretty much like early 2600 games or Channel F games. Also based on pictures I've seen some play in color others in B&W only. 

Is this system still fun to play?
Most of the games are early Atari 2600 clones, if you own an Atari 2600 there's nothing this system can offer. (lol)

What games are worth playing?
 Again all games are similar to a game on a 2600. (lol)

How many versions are there?
Well from what I can find on this console, and trust me there isn't a lot. About 30-40 different variations.

What do I need to know if I start collecting this system?
Well first off all if you live in the US, then the only way to get one is by importing one from Europe or Australia, (a few sites talked that a few consoles where released in China and the US but the closest That I know off ) The Game carts might be a pain to find and some games may not work in older models (PC-505 cart in a PC-501 system might not work, I haven't tested this but some version carts looks to be different sizes) Most of these systems do have issues working much like the Pong consoles. If you live in the US you'll need a 240 volt converter to plug it in and a PAL television to play them. Consoles are rare to find on Ebay but they do pop up now and again, most of the time they sell pretty cheap when I have spotted one, but shipping will be most of the cost if you live in the US. Finding These systems are only for the diehard collector's who want every console in their collection.

My Experience with the Console
I bought mine on a fluke. I honestly had no idea what it was when I bought it. A guy on Ebay listed it as “Rare Unknown Game Console” and I paid $10 for it. But cost $70 to ship it from Australia. It looked weird and I knew it wasn't an average Pong console and when I saw it had cartridges, it really interested me. I tried at the time to find info on it but couldn't due to I had nothing to go on but a picture. So I took a chance and bought it and a month later it came in the mail. At the time when I bought it I had no PAL TV, so it sat on my shelf for about a year til I found a PAL TV at a local garage sale. I hooked it up and it worked and its just Pong and Street Racer. (lol) I still love owning it and it gets odd looks every time someone sees it. It's the weird little console that very little people know exist, especially in the US. 

Final Thoughts
These systems are a pass to the average collector, if you want to play these games go find a Pong console with a racing game, or buy an Atari 2600 with Video Olympics and Street Racer. It's pretty much the same as what you would get with any of the PC-50X consoles. But if you live in Europe or Australia and come across one of these, you might want to pick it up (if its cheap).

Let me know what you think, should I continue with more reviews and what console would you like me to do next? I may pick one you guys pick or I might just do it in a somewhat order of how they came out. I don't know yet how often I'll have the time to write one of these but I'll have one up as often as I can.   :D

Leave reply's on your experience with PC-50X consoles, Please post a picture I'd love to see it.  :D   

By the Numbers: I could only find 1 PC-50X system of any kind, owned by yours truly.  8)

Past Reviews:
Pong Consoles,4710.0.html
Magnavox Odyssey,4683.0.html

« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 03:44:22 am by theflea »
"Happy game hunting!!!"


PRO Supporter

Re: My 8-Bits: PC-50X Consoles
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2014, 06:57:16 pm »
I have never heard of or seen this thing ever, and I went through a huge hardware phase where I scoured every book, website, and YouTube video I could find on the subject.

Keep these unknowns coming!
« Last Edit: April 13, 2014, 08:10:37 pm by burningdoom »


Re: My 8-Bits: PC-50X Consoles
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2014, 07:11:54 pm »
Very interesting article, I love reading about these early consoles I have never heard of.  Is there any specific reason why there were so many variants of the console?
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


PRO Supporter

Re: My 8-Bits: PC-50X Consoles
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2014, 08:11:56 pm »
BTW, I see that Rygar case in the background of that photo. Very nice taste in video games!


Re: My 8-Bits: PC-50X Consoles
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2014, 08:14:45 pm »
Very interesting article, I love reading about these early consoles I have never heard of.  Is there any specific reason why there were so many variants of the console?

From what I understand The company and created the PC-50X chip sold it to many other companies to create consoles.

BTW, I see that Rygar case in the background of that photo. Very nice taste in video games!

Thanks. lol
"Happy game hunting!!!"


Re: My 8-Bits: PC-50X Consoles
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2014, 04:08:23 pm »
Cool review! Never heard of this system before.

As a side note, how are you posting your pictures? My work's firewall is blocking the images, so I want to add an exception, but there doesn't seem to be a common url between photos. Is that a CDN or something?
Currently Playing: The Witcher


Re: My 8-Bits: PC-50X Consoles
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2014, 05:50:49 am »
The pic's are off my Facebook. Kinda surprised Pic's would be blocked from Facebook.  :o
"Happy game hunting!!!"


Re: My 8-Bits: PC-50X Consoles
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2014, 08:54:15 am »
The pic's are off my Facebook. Kinda surprised Pic's would be blocked from Facebook.  :o
That explains it. We block facebook here at work. Guess I'll create an exception for myself!
Currently Playing: The Witcher