Links to watch already shown E3:Super Smash Bros New Content:Skip to 37:45 World Championship: to 44:45 to see Yoshi Yarn (wii U)
Skip to 01:03:00 to start the NWC
Bethesda :Skip to: 25 mins
Nintendo Super Smash Bros: All Things You Need To Know:Link to watch: Fighters:Roy and Lucas
Prices: Wii U $3.99 each. 3ds $3.99 Each. 3DS/WiiU $4.99 each
New Mii Fighter Costumes:MegaMan.exe
Zero (sword fighter) from Megaman X
Isabelle from animal crossing
Splatoon Inkling Boy
Splatoon Inkling Girl
Jacky (virtua fighter)
Akira (virtua fighter)
Heihachi (tekken)
Prices: Wii U: 0.75 each.......3DS: 0.75 each........ WiiU/3DS: $1.15 each
New Fighter:Ryu from Street Fighter
His look is based off Street Fighter 2. The original command input makes certain attacks stronger. Has 2 final smashes. Comes with Suzaku Castle stage. Towards the end of the match , the original song from the game will start playing, there will also be a remix of it. Ken's music and a remix will also be available.
Price: Ryu and Castle: Wii U: $5.99, 3DS: $5.99. WiiU/3DS: $6.99
Amiibo'sRyu , Roy, R.O.B., Duck Hunt, Mr. Game and Watch, Falco. Mr. Game and Watch is flat and has a number of different poses that you can switch out. All but Ryu and Roy come out in September.
All 51 fighters will become Amiibos, including Mewtwo and Lucas at some point.
Mii Fighters: Mii Brawler, Mii Swordfighter, Mii Gunner. (You can customize their settings in game)
New Stages:Dream Land from N64:
Price: $1.99 for Wii U, $1.99 for 3DS. 3DS/WiiU: $2.99
Hyrule Castle From N64:
Peach's Castle From N64:
MiiVerse Stage to Wii U (
Tourney Mode: (Releases in Aug)
Community Tourney: Point System
Reg Tourney: Elimination Style: Only happens during certain times.
Final Notes:They will also soon allow you to upload clips to youtube.
All in game content releases today.