Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge *2016*  (Read 81751 times)

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #120 on: March 10, 2016, 08:15:30 am »
My Gf finally beat her first game this year and has added it to my post on page 1. We are also going back and forth editing it to make it look better.
GF: We?! You mean me!!
Rayne: What are you talking about babe? I edited it too. Plus you had a typo.
GF: Guys don't believe this weirdo, if it wasn't for my fixes his posts would look terrible
Rayne: Help! She's trying to take over my account!! Tell her to stop!!
GF: You love me. I find the best finds. Who basically got you your Gold PS4? Who found a .hack game for 50 cents?
Your girlfriend is weird.

Who cares if she's weird as long as she this comment has been removed because it might offend some participant's delicate sensibilities.
lol I missed the pre-strikethrough.

I was trying to see if I could instigate more shenanigans.  I do it to my wife all the time and it's quite humorous.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #121 on: March 11, 2016, 08:41:20 pm »
Just finished up Twilight Princess HD. Wow. :o This was my first time playing the game, and I'm glad I skipped the Wii version and waited for this as soon as it was announced. Easily one of my favorite games I've played so far this year, and now my new favorite Zelda game. I can't say enough good things about the game. It's a good length, with plenty of stuff to do, and a really satisfying ending.

Gotta love the WiiU Pro controller too. I started and finished the whole game on one charge and it's still at somewhere around 50%.

Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
2. Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
3. Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
4. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
5. Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
6. Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
7. Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
8. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11 **New**
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #122 on: March 12, 2016, 06:12:19 am »
Just finished up Twilight Princess HD. Wow. :o This was my first time playing the game, and I'm glad I skipped the Wii version and waited for this as soon as it was announced. Easily one of my favorite games I've played so far this year, and now my new favorite Zelda game. I can't say enough good things about the game. It's a good length, with plenty of stuff to do, and a really satisfying ending.

I played it on the Wii originally, so I wasn't really in love with everything at the time, but I remember really liking it and considered it one of the top 3D ones for sure.  Not sure about how I place it with Ocarina which has nostalgia piled onto it, but hoping a replay will settle that for me. I'm pretty sure I'm going to like it more than my current run through Wind Waker HD.  Haven't played it since I originally played like 80% on Gamecube back in the day, but right now, I really hate sailing. I try to fast travel as much as possible because of how boring it is lol


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Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #123 on: March 12, 2016, 07:35:48 am »
Decided to join you guys, because hey, why not? ;D

Before I start I just wanna mention that in 2015 I decided to play all Shin Megami Tensei games and spin-offs. So that's gonna have some influence on the games I'll play this year. If someone is interested in seeing which games I already played, the banner in my sig should link to my backloggery account.

1. Jetpac (as part of Rare Replay) [XBO]: 2/5, roughly 2 hours
Simple, but fun game. Got all Jetpac related achievements.
2. Mario's Picross [3DSVC]: 3/5, 16 hours and 12 minutes
I like Picross a whole lot. Of course with this being a Gameboy game, it doesn't have all features that modern Picross games have, but it's a fun game nonetheless.
3. Fallout 4 [XBO]: 3/5, ~55 hours
Fallout 4 was a disappointment for me. It's not that I didn't enjoy playing it, I did, but I was hoping for so much more. Writing, dialog choices (or the lack thereof) and the lack of choices during vital parts of the main questline, especially in the last few quests, were a huge turnoff. I enjoyed some of the sidequests, and the shooting mechanics also feel like a big improvement over Fallout 3.
4. Battletoads Arcade (as part of Rare Replay) [XBO]: 2/5, ~1 hour
Eh. I was never a huge fan of Beat 'em ups and this doesn't seem to be a particulary great one either.
5. Atic Atac (as part of Rare Replay) [XBO]: 3/5, ~1.5 hours
Very confusing, but kinda charming. Finished it with all 3 characters.
6. Slalom (as part of Rare Replay) [XBO]: 3/5 ~2 hours
Not much to say about this one either, fun little game. Got all achievements.
7. R.C. Pro-Am (as part of Rare Replay) [XBO]: 3/5 ~1 hour
As a child I freaking loved the GB version of this, but I don't think I ever saw all tracks. Was nice playing this now.
8. Corpse Party: Blood Drive [Vita]: 3/5 ~25 hours
When I discovered the Corpse Party series in 2013, it quickly became one of my favourite franchises in gaming. Sadly, Blood Drive did not live up to the expectations I had based on the previous games. Still, it wraps up the Heavenly Host trilogy nicely enough. Platinum'd it.
9. Picross e5 [3DS]: 3/5, 13 hours and 22 minutes
It's Picross, it's fun. I don't like some of the extra modes though.
10. The Sad Story of Emmeline Burns [steam]: 2/5, 2 hours
It's fine for what it is, a free VN on steam. Nothing special. Collected all steam achievements.
11. Lifeline 2 [Android]: 3/5
Not as good as the original Lifeline, but still alright.
12. Life is Strange: Complete Edition [PS4]: 4/5 ~15-20 hours maybe?
Man, what a great game. I think the last episode is maybe not as great as 2-4, but overall I really, really enjoyed LiS. Got all trophies as well.
13. Puyo Puyo Tetris [PS3]: 4/5, ~3 hours
Tetris is always fun, and this is a great version of it. I never played much of Puyo Puyo before, just a bit of Mean Bean Machine really, turns out it's a pretty great puzzle game heh. Most of the modes that combines the 2 games are good too. I bought it mainly for multiplayer, but I enjoyed it so much that I went through the story mode as well.
14. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2: Innocent Sin [PSP]: 3/5, ~30 hours
Monotonous gameplay drags down what's otherwise a pretty good game. I liked its atmosphere, characters, and the music. I'm gonna play Eternal Punishment in April and hope for some more improvements, because I think Innocent Sin is a huge step up over Persona 1.
15. DemiKids: Light Version [GBA]: 2/5, ~20 hours
Fun battle system, anything else not up to par. Just short enough to not overstay its welcome.
16. Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles [PSP]: 4/5, ~4 hours
I was watching Vinny from Giant Bomb playing Rondo of Blood and thought the game looked pretty awesome. I had this game for years now and never really played it, so I figured I might as well play it haha. I really liked it. It's not as hard as CV3, but also not as easy as SCV4.
17. Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth [PS4]: 4/5, 97 hours and 34 minutes
Really fun jRPG, especially in its second half. Some of the translation errors are unfortunate, but hey, I'm glad we got this game at all. Collected all trophies.
18. My Nintendo Picross The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess [3DS]: 3/5, 9 hours and 46 minutes
Another Picross game, still fun as always. There are some strange control changes that I don't really like in this one, but that's a minor complaint, especially for a free game.
19. Puzzle & Dragons Z [3DS]: 3/5, 32 hours and 5 minutes
I played PD: Super Mario Bros. Edition last year, but never bothered with this one until now. It's a fun game, but I think SMBEdition is the better one of the two. I don't think having this town to walk around in and all these people to talk to, (things I usually like in games) are fitting for this type of game. Also SMBEdition felt better balanced. There is a whole lot of post-game content, but I think I'm done with this game.
20. Persona 2: Eternal Punishment [PS1C]: 4/5, ~50 hours
I really liked this one. This game provides a great ending to this half of Persona, before the series got rebooted.
21. Castlevania Chronicles [PS1C]: 4/5, 10-15 hours
Finished Original Mode. Oh boy, this game is way tougher than Rondo of Blood was. But it never really felt unfair, except for maybe 1 or 2 jumps that I felt were unnecessary. Great game :)
22. Corpse Party [steam]: 3/5, ~16 hours
Way inferior compared to the PSP version, but it was definitely interesting to play this version. Not sure if I will play it a third time on 3DS though :P Collected all steam achievements.
23. Sound of Drop - fall into poison - [steam]: 3/5, 11-12 hours
Neat horror VN, I like the water theme. There's some scary stuff in there :x
24. Arc the Lad [PS1C]: 3/5, ~11 hours
Not that great, but good enough to keep my interest for the sequels. Also, it's always kinda refreshing when a jRPG isn't 40 hours+ long.
25. Dino Crisis [PS1C]: 4/5, ~7 hours
As a RE fan, I've always been curious about this series. As similar as it is compared to RE, it's interesting to see where the differences lie. Neat game and I'll probably play the sequel soon.
26. Gears of War Ultimate Edition [XBO]: 2/5, ~12 hours
Having never played a Gears game before, I don't think this one holds up particulary well. Too many samey looking areas, not enough variety. Oh well, still enjoyed shooting some stuff.
27. Nano Assault EX [3DS]: 3/5, 3 hours and 21 minutes
Short, but very enjoyable. There are also some extra modes which I'll probably check out.
28. Dino Crisis 2 [PS1C]: 4/5, ~5 hours
Man, this is such a good game. Completely different than the first Dino Crisis (and better, in my opinion) and just super fun to play.
29. Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright [3DS]: 4/5, ~30 hours
Pretty much Awakening 2. Fun, but I'm expecting more of Conquest.
30. Grabbed by the Ghoulies (as part of Rare Replay) [XBO]: 2/5, ~10 hours
Alright game, kinda repetitive. The QTE's are really dumb.
31. The Ultimate DOOM [steam]: 4/5, ~14 hours
DOOM is still awesome even after over 20 years. Never played Ultimate DOOM before, and I gotta say, the new levels are not great. Oh well.
32. Higurashi When They Cry - Ch. 3 Tatarigoroshi [steam]: 4/5, ~13 hours
Each Chapter so far has been fantastic, and this one is no exception. Very different atmosphere, but just as good. I just think the slice of life stuff is slowly getting old, but still, I enjoyed Tatarigoroshi a lot. Hopefully it doesn't take another 7 months till Chapter 4.
33. Wolfenstein: The New Order [PS4]: 4/5
Really fun shooter and the story is nice too. Got all trophies.
34. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE [Wii U]: 4/5, ~53 hours
I was sceptic about this game before release, as it pretty clearly wasn't what I wanted SMTxFE to be. After playing, it might be my favourite game of the year! Great and fun turn-based battle system, and while the plot is super silly, it still managed to be intriguing to me. I could live without the fan service though.
35. Grow Home [steam]: 3/5, 5-6 hours
Fun little game, but after finishing it I feel very little desire to go back and collect everything.
36. Ryse: Son of Rome [steam]: 2/5, ~8 hours
Yeah, this game is no good. I played it to see just what my new PC can do, and man does it look spectacular. But boy, both gameplay and story are really bad.
37. Hotel Dusk: Room 215 [NDS]: 4/5, ~15 hours
Finally got around to play this! I really enjoyed my time with this game, great atmosphere. The puzzles tend to be a bit on the easy side, could have been a little more challenging I guess. Still, very nice game.
38. Final Fantasy III [steam]: 3/5, 52 hours and counting
I forgot how much I like FFIII. Sure, the job system isn't as complex as in V, but still fun to mess around with. This mobile port isn't the best, but that's okay. I beat the game at less than 30 hours, but a lot of grinding is required to even have a chance against the superboss  :-\
39. Pony Island [steam]: 3/5, ~3 hours
Not much to say about this one, short and pretty fun.
40. The Walking Dead + 400 Days [steam]: 4/5, ~13 hours
Been meaning to play this for years. Gameplay's pretty clunky, but worth it imo. 400 Days DLC isn't so great unfortunately.
41. The Walking Dead: Season 2 [steam]: 4/5, ~9 hours
Not quite as good as the first game, but it was still very enjoyable for me.
42. The Wolf Among Us [steam]: 4/5 ~10 hours
Setting and Style of this game is amazing. Sadly I encountered a few bugs and crashes while playing.
43. Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster [steam]: 3/5 27 hours and counting
This game isn't as good as I remembered it. I'm still having fun with it, but it's probably my least favourite classic-style RE. Gonna do another run on hard to pick up the last achievements.
44. Hexcells [steam]: 3/5 ~3-4 hours
Pretty neat puzzle game.
45. Hexcells Plus [steam]: 3/5, ~9 hours
A lot harder than the first game, but enjoyable nonetheless.
46. DOOM [steam]: 4/5, 17-18 hours
Easily one of my favourite FPS in years. Maybe a bit slow at the start, but once it picks up, boy does it pick up.
47. Hexcells Infinite [steam]: 3/5, ~10 hours
Quite similar to Hexcells Plus, except that it also has computer generated level. These aren't that good unfortunately.
48. Dino Stalker  [PS2]: 2/5, <1 hour
This game is really not good heh. Bad controls and super short. Now only Dino Crisis 3 is left, unfortunately I don't have an Xbox currently.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 01:49:11 pm by PlayerC90 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #124 on: March 12, 2016, 09:02:03 am »
It's been a real dry spell for me. I need to get to beating some more games! I want to start Dragon Quest VIII and Luigi's Mansion very soon
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #125 on: March 13, 2016, 07:50:13 pm »
I didn't anticipate finishing Pikmin 3 so quickly, yet here I am the day after I've started it and I'm already finished. Aside from the last level/area/stage/thingie, the whole game was really enjoyable. Even for somebody who's awful at RTS games like me the game is manageable, and it makes really good use of the WiiU game pad. It was just so much fun I couldn't stop playing until I finished. :D Well worth the new price it goes for as part of the Nintendo Selects line, though to me it wouldn't have been worth the price it was going for before the reprint. Lots of replayability as well.

Finished Games (replayed games are in purple)

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) Jan-17
2. Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (GBA) Jan-31
3. Hoshi no Kirby 2 (GB) [JP] Feb-07
4. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) Feb-09
5. Hoshi no Kirby (GB) [JP] Feb-16
6. Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4) Feb-16
7. Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) Mar-01
8. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) Mar-11
9. Pikmin 3 (WiiU) Mar-13 **New**
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #126 on: March 14, 2016, 09:35:45 am »
Filled up my second post to the brim with tales of completed games.

Need to update my post now that the weekend is over.

30 beaten out of 40 played.  Hoping to knock out Gas Guzzlers by the end of the week.

I've been wanting to set up my backloggery account for the longest time, but with close to 3000 games in my collection and no import functionality, it's just such a pain to import everything by hand... but I'm gonna start adding my library to backloggery little by little.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 11:53:49 am by ctracy87 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #127 on: March 14, 2016, 09:36:42 am »
Decided to join you guys, because hey, why not? ;D

Before I start I just wanna mention that in 2015 I decided to play all Shin Megami Tensei games and spin-offs. So that's gonna have some influence on the games I'll play this year. If someone is interested in seeing which games I already played, the banner in my sig should link to my backloggery account.

Welcome to the madness! I really enjoy seeing what others are playing and what they thought of their conquests.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #128 on: March 14, 2016, 12:58:13 pm »
well my first post on page 1 finally hit that 20,000 character cap so this is my continued completed list.
All ratings are based on my previous expectations of the game, not on gameplay, with 5 being exactly what I expected out of it.
Bold numbers were beat by my girlfriend

Link to post #1,6762.msg105560.html#msg105560

27. Polarium (ds): This is an interesting little puzzle game. their are 100 challenge puzzles and the point of the game is to change the color of the tiles (black or white) to be completely the same horizontally using only 1 unbroken line. At first the challenges are simple, probably the first 20 levels, you can complete making only 1 color for the entire board. but as you go you have to change your thinking to focus on how to just complete the puzzle and later levels require more and more intricate ways to beat the level, like the only answer requires you to start I a very particular square. if you are good at puzzles like I am then this seems to be a very short game, but they add another mode to it that is very reminiscent of tetris. entire blocks of rows fall at once and you are required to clear them as fast as possible because additional rows keep falling and if it reaches the top it is game over. one gripe about this mode is when you clear rows it takes an entire animation before you can continue to clear rows. so you benefit from clearing the most possible at once. overall if you are a fan of puzzles and find this for about a buck or so pick it up, its a few hours of working your brain at least.

28. New Super Luigi U (WII U): this was a very fun game more up my alley than seemingly any other Mario title. This is definitely a higher difficulty and faster gameplay than Mario meaning that I couldn't play it with my gf like I wanted too but every challenge was well worth it in this game. controls are exactly what you would expect for this type of game tight and responsive. one very major thing to keep in mind while playing is you are playing luigi, for those who do not know just think high floatie jumps and ice physics for stopping. Out of this entire game I never once felt that any death on my part was undeserved. definitely pick this up if you think normal Mario games are too easy.

29. Duck Tails (Wii U): I have never played the original but I have played the ps4 version of this and I can easily say I like this version better. from what I can remember I believe the wii U version has an extra level? anyway Its a really fun game that trolled me a lot on bosses in particular. from recently playing a whole bunch of Mario titles I would always hit the boss 3 times then set the controller down and take a drink/bite of a snack, and almost die wondering why the boss didn't die. the pogo ability was fun to exploit and I think I found all but 1 secret area in the levels. this is a very short game and only took about 2 hours to beat start to finish.

30. Mario Picross (GB): I remember seeing somewhere in this forum that someone else had beaten this this year at something like 17 hours or so. at first I thought it was because they were slow at it or just failed puzzles a lot but after playing I instantly know why. with 256 levels in total that equates to only 4 minutes a puzzle. I did it slightly faster but not by much with the whole game taking me 15 hours. For myself the game wasn't very difficult with the cause of much of the errors being the occasional dropped input for d-pad (it never dropped a fill/x command) which caused me to fill in the wrong square causing a penalty. after I got onto the time-trial portion (after beating all 64 levels of kinnon? and then 64 lvls of star) i stoped ever failing puzzles. this is because it removes the penalty for filling the wrong squares and the ability for you to see if you are correct or not, which is more how I am used to doing puzzles.

31. Paper Mario (Wii): paper Mario is one of those maro rpg's (Rpg games just to annoy Kashell) that are interesting and fun when you are used to only the 2d/3d platformers. im not to terribly fond of the story line because SPOILERSIm not to much of a fan of plot twists that involve the evil guy who the entire game has been nothing but evil, turning good at the end to help save the world from the more evil lackey. like seriously count bleck (the main bad guy) reveals that he is destroying the universe because he and tippi (one of your traveling companions from the beginning) got separated some unknown amount of time previously, had loved each other, and now hes destroying everything. when he is bested one of his minions stabs him in the back proverbially and continues with the destruction that the count no longer wants. on a different note (and this is more on me than the game) every time I returned to the game (which was always a month or so later) to play again i was instantly confused on what i was supposed to be doing with little way of figuring it out other than consulting a guide till i was back on track. overall though this was a very good and fun game and is probably a 8/10.

32. Dinner Dash: Sizzle and Serve (DS): Rayne bought this from Gamestop for like $1. It was an okay game. It gave me something to do in between classes.

33. Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii): my GF and me played through this game together, and I will judge this by how she reacted to it. She liked it and said it was a cute game but way less cute than Yoshi's wholly world. the game was way to easy (literally impossible to loose a level), but with rather interesting boss battle (although she made me do them all myself). the storyline was more or less garbage, mindless, skip worthy, with a annoying narrator. the more we played through the game the less interested she was in playing it. they also sort of destroyed much of the fun of Kirby by removing his ability to steal the power of enemies. overall I give this a 5/10 it was fun but could have been much, much better.

34. Fallout 4 (Ps4): I finally decided to get off my lazy butt and make finally make the decision of which faction to run with to finish the game. I went with the railroad on this one and somewhat regret it. I believe I should have gone with the institute and wish that I could make peace between the institute and the railroad but alas I know that the option would not be their. fallout 4 was a very fun open world game that engrosses you into the world. based on previous entries the story line and your actual tangible decision making has been hit hard in this game. most conversations that allow you to pick different paths are fake and do not affect anything as it forces you to more linear conversations. but the levelup and perk system has been overhauld dramatically and makes you feel like you are really building your character how you want them to be. overall I give this a 7/10

35. Farcry 4 (ps4)X2: first off I need to say I did not actually beat this game... I got it started watched part of the starting of it, got up to go make diner, and forgot to pause it. apparently if yu do nothing for a long period of time at the start you will get to a point where you can beat the game (get to credit role).... after like 20-30 minutes...
So I finally finished my real play through of the game and have to say their is a shit ton of things to do. I feel like their are quite a few paths you can go on because at the end it made you do quite a few tough choices to beat the game and I feel like each severely altered the ending. just doing only campaign missions I ended up spending ~20 hours invested in this game overall I give this title a 7.5/10 and its definitely very repayable.

36. Pokémon Rangers (ds): this is a very interesting twist on the formula of Pokémon and actually quite difficult. early game all the way through is relatively easy with a bit of backtracking just to get the proper Pokémon to continue the area but when you get up to ranger rank 8+ the difficulty curve shows its face. throwing many strong Pokémon together that all defend each other like on the last mission where I spent 30 minute on just one fight. in all honesty if I had brought the proper Pokémon to the final area I could see how it could be relatively easy. I have not done the endgame material and don't think I will because Pokémon guardian signs is such a more friendly capture mechanic that doesn't harm you for one mistake. overall it was a very fun game and worth a play. 7/10

37. Smite (PS4 digital): I know this is a MOBA and as such has no end to it but after about 40-50 hours spent in it I have gotten one character to god level 8 which was more than my GL 7 goal. I'm a Hades main and a very aggressive one with the team I play with. all our skills built off of each other and for the most part I would distract the entire enemy team in the center while our other members flanked and I will Ult pulling everyone caught in my field to me which would usually be 2-3 have a friendly character (Freya?) that would sit and do damage to those caught while simultaneously pulling down any people who try to escape back to me and Ulting.... either way we usually win about 8-9 times out of 10. its a very interesting game with a lot of characters with unique skills and abilities. I wish their were more to it like campaigns for the characters but being that it is a MOBA it fits exactly in with its category. and as such is a million times better when you play and communicate with people you know. overall 8/10 when playing with friends and 6/10 when solo.

38. Pokémon rangers: guardian sign (ds): this was a much better pokemon ranger than the first title but doesn't really show itself until you play both. on this iteration you have the ability to take pokemon between areas, the capturing mechanic is much better, more fluid, and doesn't suffer from the issue of requiring you to make all the required loops at once. the story was in the same vain but I personally found this title to have a more engaging title. additionally this game was longer that the previous title with me completeing it in around 19-20 hours while the previous was about 14-15. the final boss was also a lot more challenging that you would think but I was able to take it down with well placed Pokémon moves and pichu's support. I would say this game deserves a 8.5/10 if you played the first one first or an 8/10 if this is the first you played.

39. Ultimate NES remix (3ds): I never realized just how close I had been to beating the game. I finally got to bonus stage 25 and at least one star on every level. this was a very fun throwback to all the great games on the nes in a challenging format. I know their are probably hidden stages for getting all the stars in every level but I am probably not ever going to be capable of getting some of them. the thing that surprised me the most about this is just how horrendous I am at Dr. Mario(which makes no sense as I'm above average at Tetris. This was quite a fun thing if you are a fan of quick few minute games. overall I give this a 7/10 

40. Until Dawn (ps4): Generally speaking im not usually a fan of QTE games but I actually really liked how this game did it. it was an extremely fun game and I have to say that I still have no idea how to play it while saving everyone. I managed to save 3 people out of 4 that I had left at the end. the reason I was unable to save the 4th was because I thought he had escaped by the time I ran out. what is worse is I had everyone but 2 people alive at the last chapter where I started making incredibly stupid decisions that sounded like a great idea at the time. I was in a mic chat with a friend who had never played it and was describing my actions to him and one line really resonated with one of my deaths. "Someone's never seen a horror movie before" when I split up one person to try and save someone who ended up being a windigo (however you spell it). most of the deaths are really quick and gruesome. someday I will probably play this again to try and save more people but for now I give this a 8/10 for the great visuals and situations they through at you. (I really liked the flamethrower guy and wish I would have saved him)

41. Bayonetta 2 (Wii U): this game was... not my thing... I found some enjoyment out of it simply because I set it to the lowest difficulty so it was a breeze to get through. the story line was incredibly hard to follow (probably my fault because I did not play the first one) the gameplay was extremely repetitive and it just mainly boiled down to a button mashing fest. the cut scenes were ok for the motion ones but it kept swapping between full motion cut scenes and almost like a comic book style minus the word/thought bubbles, which actually threw me off even further from the story line and just made it look cheap. this game actually really disappointed me and I give it a 3/10 (again based on my expectations for it where 5 is exactly what I expected)

42. Color Cross (Ds): This game is a Picross game but the only one I own that does things any differently. instead of black and white it gives you between 2-6 colors all with their own number hints and your goal is to successfully fill in the ENTIRE grid which goes from a 5x5 for the first puzzle to a 20x20 for the farther puzzles. all puzzles are fit into categories and each category has 15 puzzles 12 of which are required to fill out the category pictures, the other 3 are "bonus". I forgot how many categories their are but I believe their are somewhere between 8-12 categories. and in my personal opinion the love category is the hardest just because of all the random one off pixels that occur all throughout all the puzzles. overall I give this iteration a 5/10 as it is exactly what I was expecting it would be.

43. Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (Wii): Me and my GF finally got around to finishing this game after starting it almost a year ago. Just like every other Lego game this is a collectathon game and a good one at that. throughout the game you go through the events of the movies in a really nice "kids imagination" type way. throughout the game you are constantly using the power you have to affect the world and figure out the puzzles to progress and gain new abilities. their were 2 parts that absolutely aggravated me to no end which affected my feelings for this game near the end of the game. while playing we ran into a major glitch that made it impossible to progress the way it intended us to go. after 20 minutes of wasted time looking for a puzzle to drop the stairs we game up and consulted Google and were given an alternate path around that issue. and when you had to place the dynamite and it is in black and white it makes it almost impossible to figure out what you need to interact with to finish the puzzle. their is a chest that is covered by vines that looks like nothing more than a rock and had no aura around it to indicate we needed to do anything with it, and we spent another 20-30 minutes on that before consulting google again. also near the end of the game it starts to chug along at a reduced framerate that makes it feel like they either put too much at the end or didn't test it enough to catch the issue. overall i give this a 5/10 but it would have but it would have been a 7/10 had I not just wanted the game to end for the last hour-hour and a half.

44. Tom Clancy's: The Division (ps4): this was a very enjoyable title but it had a very large grin influence to it. In all honesty when one of my psn friends saw me play  it they asked why I bought it telling me it was garbage but they must have patched out a lot of the issues as I found the game fluid with relatively difficult but achievable missions and not too much grind to find better gear for my character. I played enough past the main game to fully upgrade my main base, get to level 30, and get to DZ level 55. one thing that helped a whole lot for me throughout the game was constantly getting sniper upgrades which I tend to use most in FPS games. the story line was more or less throw away as I did not pay attention to it at all and instead focused on the objective. objectives for the most part on main missions are hoard mode which works for this game and enemies have a few different types that will attack you differently. overall I give this a 6/10.

45. Big Brain Academy (ds): This was a very easy game to beat. for the most part I just went into the training and played every game mode (5 categories, 3 sub categories, and 3 difficulties for a total of 45 required game) till I got to at least silver (you will get bronze even if you chose all wrong answers) then I took the test till I was able to get an A- which only took me 3 tries after all the "training" I did. as always with these games that don't really push the limits of the tech I always wish they at least try to make it graphically pleasing (realistic graphics or stylized graphics) but I was a little disappointed with this titles graphics. this is on me but I never bothered to turn the sound on so I don't know if the music is good or not but the mind games you play are fun and challenging in short bursts like it should have been. I personally will never pick this up again but I felt it was worth the like 70 cents or so I ended up spending on it. overall its what I expected it to be so 5/10

46. Elements of destruction (ds): Have you ever played sim city and all you did was summon tornadoes and shoot meteors at your town? then this is your game. the entire concept is to use weather to achieve certain requirements to beat each day (level). their are 21 levels arranged in 3 weeks where you get better acts of nature to destroy towns. each act requires a certain amount of power which you gain for destroying things. after about week 1 day 7 it gets very hard nearly impossible in the time limit to achieve what destruction you need but their are cheats to remove time limit which I used after 2-3 which took me nearly 2 hours to beat. the insane difficulty of this games far levels makes this title unfortunately a very bad pick and as such I give this a 3/10.

with this last entry I have ran out of the 20,000 character limit again and as such here is the link to my 3rd post,6762.msg119949.html#msg119949
« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 10:15:20 pm by rayne315 »
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #129 on: March 14, 2016, 01:22:31 pm »
Goals for the year:
1. Beat 100+ games in a year (any game even easy one hour games)
2. Watch every Pokemon episode (Rayne: 87 Girlfriend: 40) 
I need to start letting my girlfriend type out my posts she does a better job at it then i do ;D
Oh man, Pokemon... my wife and I tried to watch it a long time ago, I think we got to like season 3 and then she said she couldn't watch it anymore.  I never have time to watch stuff, so I haven't gone any further.  So like 160 something episodes in, we even watched the movies according to when they should fall into the timeline.

I think I'm kind of aiming for 100+ games as well.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #130 on: March 14, 2016, 01:28:48 pm »
Goals for the year:
1. Beat 100+ games in a year (any game even easy one hour games)
2. Watch every Pokemon episode (Rayne: 87 Girlfriend: 40) 
I need to start letting my girlfriend type out my posts she does a better job at it then i do ;D
Oh man, Pokemon... my wife and I tried to watch it a long time ago, I think we got to like season 3 and then she said she couldn't watch it anymore.  I never have time to watch stuff, so I haven't gone any further.  So like 160 something episodes in, we even watched the movies according to when they should fall into the timeline.

I think I'm kind of aiming for 100+ games as well.

lol my gf supports my game buying habbits so whenever she wants to do something I will gladly do it for her. so if that mean watching all 800+ episodes in preporation for pokemon sun/moon then that is what we will do.

Speaking of pokemon I am surprised nobody has commented about the year of the mythical pokemon thing. everyone that plays pokemon should go and grab their celebi if they haven't already.

GF: AWE! Honey! You get a cookie! that was sooo sweet!
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 01:51:07 pm by rayne315 »
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #131 on: March 14, 2016, 03:52:34 pm »
Goals for the year:
1. Beat 100+ games in a year (any game even easy one hour games)
2. Watch every Pokemon episode (Rayne: 87 Girlfriend: 40) 
I need to start letting my girlfriend type out my posts she does a better job at it then i do ;D
Oh man, Pokemon... my wife and I tried to watch it a long time ago, I think we got to like season 3 and then she said she couldn't watch it anymore.  I never have time to watch stuff, so I haven't gone any further.  So like 160 something episodes in, we even watched the movies according to when they should fall into the timeline.

I think I'm kind of aiming for 100+ games as well.

Ugh, I would say that out of all things Pokemon, the anime is without a doubt my least favorite arm of the franchise.  :P
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #132 on: March 14, 2016, 03:56:59 pm »
Goals for the year:
1. Beat 100+ games in a year (any game even easy one hour games)
2. Watch every Pokemon episode (Rayne: 87 Girlfriend: 40) 
I need to start letting my girlfriend type out my posts she does a better job at it then i do ;D
Oh man, Pokemon... my wife and I tried to watch it a long time ago, I think we got to like season 3 and then she said she couldn't watch it anymore.  I never have time to watch stuff, so I haven't gone any further.  So like 160 something episodes in, we even watched the movies according to when they should fall into the timeline.

I think I'm kind of aiming for 100+ games as well.

Ugh, I would say that out of all things Pokemon, the anime is without a doubt my least favorite arm of the franchise.  :P
It is very Dora the Explorer.  Do you see Team Rocket?  Where?  Noooooooo, that's an old lady with Purple hair, her mustached red head son, and her talking Meowth.  What?  It's really Team Rocket?  Get 'em Pikachu.  EXPLOSION!!!  When will Team Rocket ever give up.  THE END.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #133 on: March 14, 2016, 04:17:45 pm »
Yesss. For me, I just wish they could do more with the show and make it more consistent. I get frustrated when Ash never wins a League championship for once, his Pikachu still sucks in battle, and all the gym battles and episodes are really formulaic from season to season, especially in the later ones.  >:(

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, I get that there are certain sacrifices that need to be made because it's targeted at kids. Doesn't mean I have to like it any more lol
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #134 on: March 14, 2016, 09:02:39 pm »
Yesss. For me, I just wish they could do more with the show and make it more consistent. I get frustrated when Ash never wins a League championship for once, his Pikachu still sucks in battle, and all the gym battles and episodes are really formulaic from season to season, especially in the later ones.  >:(

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, I get that there are certain sacrifices that need to be made because it's targeted at kids. Doesn't mean I have to like it any more lol
I actually want to see the Pokemon series where it's based off of the games with Red and Green/Blue instead of Ash and Gary.