Author Topic: 52 Game Challenge 2017  (Read 78351 times)

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #255 on: May 01, 2017, 05:12:04 pm »
21 - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Switch 2017) - PLAYING - It's Mario Kart 8.  Just gonna work to get Gold Mario, which I think is at least one gold star per every 200cc Grand Prix, so there's no real BEAT, but that'll give me a run through all the courses.  I hate playing on 200cc, it's so hard and not very fun lol

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #256 on: May 02, 2017, 05:42:57 pm »
22 - Darksiders: Warmastered Edition (PC 2010) - PLAYING - With the reveal of Darksiders 3 today, I figured it was as good of time as any to go and replay the first two games.  Never tried the updated "Warmastered" version (Got it free on PC I think), but I loved this game when it came out.  Great mix of Zelda and God of War.  I just grabbed Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition that I'll play afterwards.  I actually never beat that game for whatever reason and this thing has a crazy sale right now.  Pretty stoked for the third game though.  Fury should be fun.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #257 on: May 02, 2017, 05:53:00 pm »
Groovy! I just beat Space Channel 5: Part 2! I got curious about this series after playing as Ulala in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, so I decided to pick it up on Steam. Now that I've beaten it, I will say, I really like it!
It's over-the-top and super charming, you can't help but smile while playing. The gameplay is really engaging and fun too. It tests your reflexes and sense of rhythm, yet it also manages to keep a sense of energetic fun throughout. It's a great blend of challenging and fun. I'll definitely play this more!
The only complaints I have are about the quality of the port. I played the PC version from Steam, and like with all SEGA's Dreamcast ports on Steam, the quality is wobbly. Getting it to run in the first place is a hassle, it crashed a few times on a loading screen, and when clicking out and back into the game it sometimes desyncs the music and gameplay, which makes the game unplayable and forces you to restart the level. Thankfully the gameplay is really fun, so while it's frustrating, replaying the levels isn't too much of a punishment. The only other downside is it's pretty short (hence why it's on here already), but it's also really replayable, so that's only a minor complaint.
In short, I really enjoyed my time with this game! Not all rhythm games grab me as well, but this one definitely did. For the pricepoint it goes for on Steam, I definitely recommend it!

I did it Space Michael, I made you proud.

So that means 17 games down!
Italics means I had already started with the game november last year or earlier.
A red glow means this is a second playthrough
A blue glow means the game has been completed 100%
  • Life is Strange
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Kirby's Dream Land
  • Kirby's Dream Land
  • Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (PC version)
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Kirby Super Star Ultra
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
  • Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure
  • Sonic Generations
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
  • Drawn to Life
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • 8-Bit Bayonetta
  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Bayonetta (PC version)
  • Space Channel 5: Part 2

So I know I had an old planning, but I'm not sure how strictly I'll be sticking to that. I was working on The Wonderful 101 and Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, and I think I'll keep working on those. The other games I had planned were Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter and The World Ends With You, though I have a feeling these'll go on hold for a while. There are a few other games I feel more like playing/beating right now, like Kirby Mass Attack or DuckTales Remastered. I'm also still working on my Infinite Climax playthrough of Bayonetta 2
ducktales, though I tend to work on that whenever I feel like it.
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #258 on: May 02, 2017, 07:51:44 pm »
Game 7 - Resident Evil (GC) - 11 Hours

Second RE game ever is done! And this one is in very stark contrast to RE4, so it was interesting to play this other side of the franchise.

+ I really enjoyed the overall atmosphere, graphics and settings, music, and most of the enemies. Very scary and tense, and the game does a good job of keeping you on the edge of your seat. I liked the tank controls like in RE4 and Silent Hill games, and I really loved the puzzles, both in the world and on the items and keys. Searching an item for a hidden switch or message was just so cool. I also enjoyed the story and voice acting: it's cheesy and silly, but it's still entertaining.

- My biggest gripe with this game has to be the limited inventory. Limiting you to just 6 items (I played as Jill) doesn't make the game any scarier, it just makes it annoying because oftentimes I didn't bring the right key or the right weapon for the boss and I have to either reset the game or go back to the item box. Having to backtrack both to get the right item or bring items I picked up adds padding to the gameplay and significantly lowers the scare factor, at least in my experience.

Back to my list

« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 07:54:39 pm by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #259 on: May 04, 2017, 11:54:11 am »
YESSSS! I just beat DuckTales! WOOHOO! Everyday they're out there making DuckTales! WOOHOO! Tales of derring-due, bad and good luck tales! D-d-d-danger, watch behind you! There's a stranger out to find you! What to do? Just grab onto some DuckTales! WOOHOO!

DuckTales Remastered, consider yourself beaten! I really liked this game! It's action platforming at it's finest. It's really challenging, yet on the perfect level to keep you playing. It's charming, engaging, and a good test of your platforming skills. If you're looking for a new platformer to play, definitely pick this one up!

So that sets me at 18 games so far!
Italics means I had already started with the game november last year or earlier.
A red glow means this is a second playthrough
A blue glow means the game has been completed 100%
  • Life is Strange
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Kirby's Dream Land
  • Kirby's Dream Land
  • Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (PC version)
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Kirby Super Star Ultra
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
  • Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure
  • Sonic Generations
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
  • Drawn to Life
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • 8-Bit Bayonetta
  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Bayonetta
  • Space Channel 5: Part 2
  • DuckTales: Remastered

So what's next? The same I said in my last post. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter and The World Ends With You are still on the waiting list, but right now my focus is going on The Wonderful 101 and Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, and maybe Kirby Mass Attack too. Also, still going to play through Bayonetta 2 on Infinite Climax when I feel like it.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 10:40:07 pm by realpoketendonl »
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #260 on: May 04, 2017, 05:13:52 pm »
I've not had much time, what time there was has been split between multiple games and sank into timesinks like Titan Quest and Stardew Valley, so nothing new to add :S Hopefully the latter half of the year will allow for a bit more gaming.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #261 on: May 05, 2017, 04:11:31 pm »

Two new reviews are up: Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Trillion: God of Destruction.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #262 on: May 05, 2017, 09:33:42 pm »
23 - Prey (PS4 2017) - PLAYING - It's been a pretty solid game so far, and it does some interesting stuff I think, while feeling like a cross between Bioshock and Deus Ex.  I'm really glad I got to play the demo as it gave a good grasp of what you'd be doing, so if you are unsure, and you are getting it on console (There's no PC demo), I'd recommend the demo.  It's over an hour of content.  My only complaint is that Typhons are infuriating to fight, especially with a controller.  Mimics can jump all around you and can be really annoying to focus on, and it never feels like I can properly immobilize Phantoms with the goo gun compared to the stun gun, which has been the most useful way to keep things from running around.  They are meant to be tough, but some gameplay choices are questionable here.  Otherwise, good stuff.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #263 on: May 07, 2017, 02:10:03 pm »
Game 8 - Star Fox (SNES) - 5 hours (estimated)

I counted this game as beaten when I beat each of the three courses.

+ This game still holds up surprisingly well. I liked the way the crude 3D looks and the environments were really cool. The music was great and the gameplay was smooth and enjoyable. It's a testament to a great game that can stand up even when graphically it hasn't aged well.

- There were some slowdowns at moments that could get a tad frustrating. It was also annoying that all the space stages spawn you in 1st person mode regardless of the POV you were in when you died. I also got locked in limbo fighting the boss on the Venom surface level (Stage 6). Don't switch your perspective during that boss fight or you can get locked; all of the buttons will stop working and you can't do anything.

Back to my list
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 01:36:42 pm by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #264 on: May 09, 2017, 01:22:53 am »
23 - Prey (PS4 2017) - 21 HOURS BEAT - Overall, a very solid game.  It's made by the guys who did Bioshock 2 and Dishonored, so you got an idea of what to expect as an experience, with a mostly open world to explore (At least set in zones, but you can go back and forth everywhere.  Loading times are abit rough though). 

It doesn't really do anything amazing, but its a very consistent game in what it offers, especially if you are one that loves the type of games like this, where you just kinda explore every nook and cranny, because it generally rewards you for doing so.  Only had a few small issues, the biggest of those being that combat is questionable.  Typhons aren't fun to fight, especially so with a controller.  Don't think it would be too much better with a mouse, just based on what they do, though to be fair, I played with no of the crazy abilities.  This game gives you a lot of choices in how you want to accomplish things, so you can play through it in a number of different ways.  I won't say anything about the story though as its interesting enough to watch unfold, but the ending is only okay.  Also the final cutscenes clearly weren't tested as they jitter like crazy lol


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #265 on: May 09, 2017, 01:55:38 pm »
1. Watch Dogs 2
2. Mirror's Edge Catalyst
3. Jet Set Radio
4. Bully
5. Quantum Break
6. Assassin's Creed Syndicate
7. Saints Row 3
8. Watch Dogs
9. Rise of the Tomb Raider
10. Donkey Kong Country 2
11. Tomb Raider
12. Aggressive Inline
13. Hitman Season 1
14. SSX 3
15. The Wolf Among Us
16. Donkey Kong Country
17. Unravel
18. Never Alone
19. Shadow of the Colossus
20. Fragments of Him
21. Blackwood Crossing
22. Ryse : Son of Rome
23. The Warriors
24. Murdered : Soul Suspect
25. Donkey Kong Country 3


PRO Supporter

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #266 on: May 10, 2017, 02:30:06 pm »
52 Games list
1.  Dragon Quest VII- 3DS
2.  Dragon Quest Builders- PS4- Done- Beat Main Story
3.  Hyper Light Drifter- PS4
4. Roller Coaster Tycoon- PC- Done- Beat all Original Scenarios
5.  Titanfall 2- Done- Beat Main Story on Normal
6.  Deus Ex Mankind Divided-Done- Beat Main Story on Normal, all Sidequests
7. Skies of Arcadia: Legends- GC- 5 hours in
8. Mirrors Edge: Catalyst- few hours in, game is pretty dull, probably won't finish this one
9. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt- PS4- Done- Beat main story-
10. Paper Mario- N64- 5 hours in
11. Zelda- Breath of the Wild- Switch- One Divine Beat down- 3 to go
12. The Witcher 3 DLC- Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine- Complete
13. Nier Automata- Beaten- Ending A and B, working on C- Still playing as the game is not really over yet
14. Persona 5- PS4
15. Red Faction- PS2- Beaten on Normal- Took me nearly 15 yrs after the fact but finally beat this game

8/15 so far.  Not really on track for 52 but I'm not exactly choosing short games

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #267 on: May 10, 2017, 02:57:57 pm »
I've got a nice long weekend of game playing this weekend.  Taking Friday off so the cat isn't locked up all day alone with her cone on and the wife is going to be out of town all weekend.  I'm planning on destroying Ghost Recon Wildlands over the course of 72 hours.

Hopefully it's a good weekend.

Wildlands seems like such a good game, but it feels so bland I can't honestly believe it'll make the top 5 this year.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #268 on: May 12, 2017, 09:37:13 pm »
Dang, I'm on a streak again! Just beat the original Super Mario Bros.! As a Nintendo fan, it's truly shameful I have never beaten that game before (and yes, the other truly defining Nintendo games will come soon), but finally the deed is done! And yes, I did do it on an original NES. :)
I will admit I used Warp Zones to get to World 4, and I will admit I used the "Start at the beginning of the world after a Game Over"-trick, but otherwise I did it fair and square! Original console, original game, tons of hammers to the face, but I did it!

So that puts me at 19 games! Even though I've obviously played Super Mario Bros. many times before beating it, I did play through it from beginning to end for this one, so I'm not putting it in italics.
Italics means I had already started with the game november last year or earlier.
A red glow means this is a second playthrough
A blue glow means the game has been completed 100%
  • Life is Strange
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Kirby's Dream Land
  • Kirby's Dream Land
  • Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (PC version)
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Kirby Super Star Ultra
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
  • Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure
  • Sonic Generations
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
  • Drawn to Life
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • 8-Bit Bayonetta
  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Bayonetta
  • Space Channel 5: Part 2
  • DuckTales: Remastered
  • Super Mario Bros.

I would like to give you a plan of upcoming games here, but honestly, I've kind of given up on that. I keep straying from it anyway, so I'll just play games as they come. On to the next one!
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 07:29:00 pm by realpoketendonl »
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #269 on: May 13, 2017, 04:40:08 am »
24 - Star Wars Battlefront (PC 2015) - ENDLESS - Well, with a combination of a crazy good sale of 14 bucks on GMG and a trial to see how it played on Origins that I didn't know about till now, I ended up grabbing this.  In the past, I decided against the game because of the lack of content and I still stand by it, but it is a mostly fun game.  Very casual shooter experience, but when you are a rebel, fighting against invading AT-AT's and Darth Vader is running at you, it's hard not to enjoy it and its very easy to just jump into.  Only complaint I still have, something I remember from the Beta, is that air vehicles are awful.  It's the most floaty, loose, flying I've ever done.  I was always very low tier with jets in Battlefield games, better with choppers, but man air vehicles are terrible here lol Really hope its overhauled with Battlefront 2.  Kinda hoping the season pass gets like a 50% off sale soon.  I wouldn't mind playing this over the summer while waiting for Battlefront 2.