It's been months since i have updated my list so i will add 9 games in one post
List of games i've beat in 2017 :1 •
Final Fantasy XV (PS4 - 93h28 - 9 January)
2 •
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst (Steam - 28h - 5 February)
3 •
ADventure Lib (Steam - 34 minutes - 9 March)
A little adventure where everything have been replaced by other things, it's very short and can become pretty stupid since every NPC, items and enemies are random as you can see
in one of my screenshot... for the price i wasn't expecting much and in the end that wasn't so bad, very stupid and easy yes but not that bad (i've seen worse, especially on Steam).
4 •
Nier automata (PS4 - 56h14 - 17 March) Completed (72h14 - 22 March)
I LOVE YOKO TARO, do i need to say more ?

5 •
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empire (PS4 - ~6h - 1 April)
I finished my first playtrough, the first of many since i want to complete it, sure it's repetitive and can become boring sometimes but i always come back to that series since DW2 on PS2 (the first PS2 game i ever bought).
6 •
Unhack 2 (Steam - 6h - 4 April)
The sequel to Unhack (what a surprise right ?

), a visual novel from invertMouse (i get everything he release since i played Without Within,
Vinty is adorable), and that one was not bad, i did not waited for much since i did not really liked the ending of the first game but it really surprised me after the prologue, i won't say much since i don't want to spoil (if one day someone play it) but it offer a good conclusion to the first game.
7 •
Toren (Steam - 4h - 14 April)
Short adventure game where you follow the path of girl who have to climb up a tower to fight a dragon (and save the world !... well sort of

), i don't remember much of that game since probably there isn't much to remember except that the story made me say "What ?" a lot of time (maybe it was because the bad french translation, maybe one day i will retry it in English to check if that is the case) but still it was pleasant to play (and the soundtrack was pretty good).
8 •
Sword Daughter (Steam - 2h30 - 14 April)
Again a short game, a visual novel where you follow Tyrna, a girl who have lost almost everything except her life and her sword from an orcs attack and that's where the choices begin, do you want to get revenge ? Save your comrades taken by the orcs ? Or try to seduce the half-elf you just encountered five minutes ago...

. It had some potential but it's way too short, you don't even had the time to know the characters that the end is already here (i got to the first ending after 20 minutes...), after that with the skip option it was pretty fast to get all the endings.
9 •
Infamous Second Son (PS4 - ~18h - 7 May)
I loved Infamous 1 & 2 and this one was good too but not as the same level, almost no sidequest (except for Paper Trail which was awesome and the DLC Cole's Legacy which wasn't worth it's price), everything is directly shown on the mini map (so there is no point for exploration). But the ending, especially once you finish paper trail, really makes me want a sequel.
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Infamous First Light (PS4 - ~6h - 9 May)
As a Stand Alone extension i did not expected much but still it was pretty good, sure it's only half of the Infamous SS map but you get to play with one of the best character from it and seeing how powerful Fetch is it's make me wondering if Delsin power really copy the full capacity of it. Also that ending goddammit, that ending

11 •
Persona 5 (PS4 - 90h22 - 17 May)
Even though Persona 4 is still my favorite it was an awesome game nonetheless, i have just finished it and the first thing i want is to do a second run to complete it. The only negative point for me was the "Traitor" part, it was a big letdown seeing how obvious that was.
The following games do not count toward the challenge:
Beater Spirit (Steam) : Ultra repetitive platforming game with bad controls, have only three different backgrounds and three different enemies , before you start the level you choose the background, the number of ennemies you want to fight and the difficulty, based on those point is a reward on gold pieces that you use to buy new skin in a gambling shop and that's all... I think it could have been pretty good as a free app on mobile to pass time but on Steam and for that price no, it's not worth it.
Neko Atsume (mobile): I finally purchased everything from the shop so i consider it completed but since i'm still missing a few cats i will probably come back to it from time to time.