Author Topic: 52 Game Challenge 2017  (Read 78352 times)


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #375 on: July 23, 2017, 08:59:12 pm »
Game 15 - Yu-Gi-Oh! Seven Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005 (GBA) - 18 Hours

+ Long name aside, this was a pretty good first game for me in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise. There are so many of Yu-Gi-Oh! video games out there, I thought I would pick one up since I love trading card games, particularly the Pokemon TCG. And this game is very fun. Plain old card gaming goodness. Play the game, gather money, buy more cards, work your way up to the championship! Decent music, and a few secrets and hidden things to unlock... once I made a good Exodia deck I was unbeatable! :D

- Unfortunately, the only thing this game has to offer is the actual battles. There is no story whatsoever, which is a major disappointment. Even the Pokemon TCG on Game Boy had more of a story than this. There are also very few things to do other than battle. There's a few puzzles you can do, and some restricted battles to do, but there are only 5 areas in the game and all you can do is walk around and talk to people. It gets old, really fast. I have a theory that they didn't have the space/time because of the 1000+ cards they had to code in with chaining and stuff. Lastly, I think the AI could have been better because they made some awful decisions in battle. Oh well, again, Yu-Gi-Oh! is a very complicated card game to play.

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« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 12:26:10 am by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #376 on: July 24, 2017, 12:21:29 am »
34 - Strider (PC 2014) - 5 HOURS BEAT - Fun little game, light on story as I had no idea what was going on through most of it, just bosses and characters showing up and I had no clue what my being there was, but it's your basic metroidvania game with generally fun gameplay and a comfortable challenge for me.  As basic as it is, it's all competently put together.  It's like a sub 10 hour game if you want to complete it as I beat it in roughly 5 hours with only 61% completion, I just didn't want to go backtrack through the areas to find the stuff I left.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #377 on: July 24, 2017, 08:25:43 am »
Finished Total Overdose early yesterday morning and my wife and I decided to play and beat Punisher on the Genesis.

So 2 games knocked out this weekend.

Couldn't decide what to play next so I pulled a game for each platform to decide between... hopefully I'll pick something when I get home from work.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #378 on: July 24, 2017, 09:41:58 am »
1. Watch Dogs 2
2. Mirror's Edge Catalyst
3. Jet Set Radio
4. Bully
5. Quantum Break
6. Assassin's Creed Syndicate
7. Saints Row 3
8. Watch Dogs
9. Rise of the Tomb Raider
10. Donkey Kong Country 2
11. Tomb Raider
12. Aggressive Inline
13. Hitman Season 1
14. SSX 3
15. The Wolf Among Us
16. Donkey Kong Country
17. Unravel
18. Never Alone
19. Shadow of the Colossus
20. Fragments of Him
21. Blackwood Crossing
22. Ryse : Son of Rome
23. The Warriors
24. Murdered : Soul Suspect
25. Donkey Kong Country 3
26. Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams
27. Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit
28. L.A Noire
29. Shenmue
30. Grand Theft Auto V
31. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD
32. Ms Splosion Man
33. Sleeping Dogs
34. Soulcalibur V
35. EA UFC 2
36. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
37. Virtua Fighter 5
38. Soulcalibur III
39. Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days
40. Space Channel 5
41. Tekken 7


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #379 on: July 24, 2017, 09:43:00 am »
Finished Total Overdose early yesterday morning and my wife and I decided to play and beat Punisher on the Genesis.

So 2 games knocked out this weekend.

Couldn't decide what to play next so I pulled a game for each platform to decide between... hopefully I'll pick something when I get home from work.

What choices are you thinking about?
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #380 on: July 24, 2017, 09:49:49 am »
Finished Total Overdose early yesterday morning and my wife and I decided to play and beat Punisher on the Genesis.

So 2 games knocked out this weekend.

Couldn't decide what to play next so I pulled a game for each platform to decide between... hopefully I'll pick something when I get home from work.

What choices are you thinking about?
I think what I have pulled is

Xbox - Call of Cthulhu
PS2 - Red Dead Revolver
Saturn - Spot Goes to Hollywood
Genesis - Toejam and Earl
Dreamcast - Demolition Racer: No Exit

Already started these, but they are considered also so I can finish them.
PS1 - Tecmo's Deception
PS3 - Tokyo Jungle


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #381 on: July 24, 2017, 02:55:07 pm »
Call of Cthulhu is pretty great if you're in the mood for some FPS/horror.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #382 on: July 24, 2017, 03:10:43 pm »
I was gonna suggest Call of Cthulhu as well. And obviously ToeJam and Earl is classic
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #383 on: July 25, 2017, 08:34:07 am »
1. Super Mario 3D World
2. Dark Souls III
3. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
4. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
5. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
6. Dr. Mario
7. Nioh
8. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
9. Wolfenstein: The New Order
10. Darksiders: Warmastered Edition
11. Tales from the Borderlands
12. Bloodborne (Childhood's Beginning)
13. Bloodborne (Yharnam Sunrise)
14. Fallout 4

It took almost two months to get to the end of The Witcher.  I got pretty much as close to 100% that you can get in a single playthrough.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 12:11:23 pm by Cartagia »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #384 on: July 26, 2017, 11:33:33 pm »
Well, I did it!

52. Space Harrier (Arcade): This game is still fun to play even today, although the shock and awe it created back in the 80s is partially nullified by the repetative stages and enemies that are only different due to a swapped color pallet or and a mix up of enemies. Bosses are mostly the same too despite some superficial differences. The game requires very quick reflexes and the last 6 or 7 stages are absolutely brutal, but they were still mostly enjoyable. (7/26/17)


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #385 on: July 31, 2017, 03:03:28 pm »
Two new reviews are on my page. SMT IV: Apocalypse and Valkyria Revolution.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #386 on: July 31, 2017, 04:58:25 pm »
Stardew Valley on the PS4 brings it up to 15/52, as good as any Harvest Moon game I've played. Currently playing Dragon Quest Builders and thoroughly enjoying it, the humour and gameplay is superb.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #387 on: August 01, 2017, 02:56:24 pm »
One more. The review for Galaxy Fight is up.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #388 on: August 03, 2017, 08:30:20 pm »
Getting close with only 10 games left! Might try to hit 60 or 65 but I don't want to rush-play !

1. Watch Dogs 2
2. Mirror's Edge Catalyst
3. Jet Set Radio
4. Bully
5. Quantum Break
6. Assassin's Creed Syndicate
7. Saints Row 3
8. Watch Dogs
9. Rise of the Tomb Raider
10. Donkey Kong Country 2
11. Tomb Raider
12. Aggressive Inline
13. Hitman Season 1
14. SSX 3
15. The Wolf Among Us
16. Donkey Kong Country
17. Unravel
18. Never Alone
19. Shadow of the Colossus
20. Fragments of Him
21. Blackwood Crossing
22. Ryse : Son of Rome
23. The Warriors
24. Murdered : Soul Suspect
25. Donkey Kong Country 3
26. Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams
27. Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit
28. L.A Noire
29. Shenmue
30. Grand Theft Auto V
31. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD
32. Ms Splosion Man
33. Sleeping Dogs
34. Soulcalibur V
35. EA UFC 2
36. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
37. Virtua Fighter 5
38. Soulcalibur III
39. Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days
40. Space Channel 5
41. Tekken 7
42. Dead or Alive 4


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #389 on: August 04, 2017, 08:39:01 am »
A review is up for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HD.