I'll repeat what I said in the last post when we talked about this. I know I'm never going to play and beat/unlock things and master every game before I die, but I have them in case I don't die for a while, but most of my time lately is spent on music in which I have even more of than my games.
I collect for games and music,
Why don't you buy and play more games
@Seether? Do you like music
@Seether? after all your VGC name is the same exact name as a decent modern metal band? Or are you a movie person who prefers movies instead of video games or music?

I haven't bought any games recently because music gives me more enjoyment and is a lot cheaper in most cases

I am not talking back I really want to know why you always seem depressed on most of the forum collectors a lot of the time
I am not rich either in fact the only reason why I got so much was because I got it for a discount prices or gifts.