Author Topic: If you could only own one out of either the next xbox or the next playstation...  (Read 4969 times)

I know everyone says PlayStation is better but the battery life of the controller has drove me up the wall this gen. It dies before I can conclude a single gaming session.
My batteries aren't that bad, but my PS4 definitely doesn't last nearly as long as the XB1 or Switch Pro controllers.

If I had to choose right now, I'd go with Playstation, as their line-up of exclusives is far more in line with my tastes, but really I'd wait a least a year post-launch for both before making a decisions.

Probably neither. I don't like Xbox, but I'm not cool with Sony's new content ban. So I'll stick with my switch I guess. Oh, and PC of course. I'll buy a ps5 when they lift the titty ban. I don't support censorship.


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I know everyone says PlayStation is better but the battery life of the controller has drove me up the wall this gen. It dies before I can conclude a single gaming session.
Sounds like you really need to get a new controller then.

Anyway, PlayStation it is.

Actually he’s right. The two AA batteries in my Xbox One controller last much longer than the batteries in my PS4 controller. I played Rise of the Tomb Raider from start to finish on a single set of AA batteries.

That was multiple, multi day, multi hour play sessions.

My PS 4 controller on the other hand doesn’t last beyond a day.

Both consoles and controllers were brand new during the time I’m talking about.

When I first unboxed my X1 I was honestly underwhelmed compared to the PS4. Surprisingly the X1 really grew on me this generation due to many small things like this.

I know everyone says PlayStation is better but the battery life of the controller has drove me up the wall this gen. It dies before I can conclude a single gaming session.

You may want to try and get a wired modern PlayStation controller, or plug in the charging cord while playing.

I don't like wireless because the same thing happened to me on the PS3, that is why I just use my charging cord plugged into my PlayStation 3 all the time when I'm using it. I face no problems and my wireless PS3 controller works fine

by the way I think some people may say not to plug in the wireless controller on the PlayStations (while playing) but I never came across any issues, been doing this a long time too :-\

Of course I have a small room, if you have a bigger room than me then you might want to move the console closer to your position. or try and find a modern wired PlayStation controller, if you can get one,

(about my Xbox360 and Xbox One Controllers)
the Wired Xbox One
controller new were US$30 in 2017 Christmas season :-\ My wired Xbox360 controller is great by the way :)

« Last Edit: February 10, 2019, 06:06:01 pm by oldgamerz »
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I know everyone says PlayStation is better but the battery life of the controller has drove me up the wall this gen. It dies before I can conclude a single gaming session.
Sounds like you really need to get a new controller then.

...or shorter gaming sessions.

Sorry, I’m gonna be that guy.

My answer is Nintendo. Why? Because Microsoft has no interest in physical media, and I find Sony’s current censorship policies, and lack of clarification surrounding them, discouraging.
—Currently Playing—
Demon’s Souls (PS5)
Fights in Tight Places (NS)

by the way I think some people may say not to plug in the wireless controller on the PlayStations (while playing) but I never came across any issues, been doing this a long time too :-\

I've never heard anyone say that.

My answer right now is none, but If someone was giving me one for free, I'd go Xbox.

PS4 started out the dominant console this gen, but I feel XB1 has long overtaken it. Neither is amazing though, IMO. The big thing for me is storage, as I have a lot of games. PS4 only allows for 1 external HD....period. Xbox allows 2 at a time, but as many as you want overall. I'm currently on external #3. On PS4 I'm constantly having to delete stuff. Just last week I wanted to add a 13GB game, no room. Delete a 35GB game...still no room?? I ended up deleting 5 games for nearly 80GB just to put on one 13GB game. it says I now have like 65GB free, but cant add any of the other games back, even the ones that are 10GB. Crap like that is the reason I quit buying PS4 games unless it's an exclusive. I have endless space on my XB1 so I just get stuff on there.

Cloud storage is another sticking point- On PS4 half my game saves are not on the cloud because I'm out of cloud storage from PS+. I have 2X as many games on XB1 now, and every single save is on the cloud- so easily 4X the amount of data. My xbox dies, all my saves are still there...PS4 dies, I'm screwed unless I back up my own saves manually- which I don't

Switch just doesn't do it for me, so I'll just go PC from here on out- though that will be more limited. Steam has got me used to dirt cheap games :D


I gotta go with neither as well at the moment. I'm bailing if everything is all digital.
  l    l 


I mostly play single player games so PS5 is my choice!  I have an Xbox One X (Fallout 76 Edition) mainly to play multiplayer and watch 4k content.  I was planning on spending a lot of time with Fallout 76, but the game was a buggy mess as I'm sure most of you know.
Time to make the donuts!


PlayStation. Hopefully they don't go the digital only route.


I know everyone says PlayStation is better but the battery life of the controller has drove me up the wall this gen. It dies before I can conclude a single gaming session.
My batteries aren't that bad, but my PS4 definitely doesn't last nearly as long as the XB1 or Switch Pro controllers.

If I had to choose right now, I'd go with Playstation, as their line-up of exclusives is far more in line with my tastes, but really I'd wait a least a year post-launch for both before making a decisions.

Yeah I'd choose PlayStation as well for those exact reasons.

Xbox One is great and all but doesn't really have anything that interests me (except for potential future Obsidian titles). I don't really expect that to change with their new console.

I do really respect Microsoft's efforts with back-wards compatibilty though. Sony could learn a lot from that with the PS5.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 08:42:36 am by kevininja »


PRO Supporter

Sorry, I’m gonna be that guy.

My answer is Nintendo. Why? Because Microsoft has no interest in physical media, and I find Sony’s current censorship policies, and lack of clarification surrounding them, discouraging.

No shame dude. :) your answer is honest and fair.

I do think it’s worth noting that MS is talking about giving folks an option to register their physical media and get digital copies of the same title tied to their Xbox live account.

Given their recent press releases about taking Xbox Live itself multi-platform I think many more of us will be playing Xbox games next gen than before and not all on an actual Xbox. ;)

Given their recent press releases about taking Xbox Live itself multi-platform I think many more of us will be playing Xbox games next gen than before and not all on an actual Xbox. ;)

I did notice that- it seems like Microsoft is setting up to pivot away from consoles and offer 'Xbox' as something more akin to a Steam alternative.

Which may be a smart business move on their part, but makes me sad as they've made a lot of really good decisions with their console lately & I'd like to see them continue on that path. (Still not committing for next-gen though- I don't trust any of these guys not to screw it up regardless of good behavior now.)

Based on the nothing you currently know about them, which one would you pick?

XBOX.  Because Sony is too anti-consumer for my taste.  One of the worst on planet earth.    And I like the controller layout and UI better on XBOX.