Author Topic: Your Opinions On Wired Or Wireless Controllers  (Read 3788 times)


Your Opinions On Wired Or Wireless Controllers
« on: February 10, 2019, 06:46:47 pm »
I said this once in @Seethers thread, that I basically don't like wireless controllers due to some of them having short battery life. So I don't even use the regular Xbox360 wireless controller I got, instead about a year or less ago I purchased a wired Xbox360 controller, It is worth it in me opinion, mine only costed my about US$30 plus shipping, it has no lag or any problems.

I don't know why most other people don't seem to care for them or even consider buying them. and I haven't even heard any conversations or post on VGCollect about wired modern controllers either (search is empty on my end)

I prefer wired controllers and recommend them 100%. As long as you get them well built. Mine is built just fine, only my wired Xbox360 controller, is lighter then the standard Wireless Xbox360 controller. Probably because it is not lugging in 2 heavy AA batteries

I like wired controllers but that may only be me, what is your thoughts. I'm curious again about modern wired controllers

Yes they do have PS4 and Xbox One and Wii wired controllers as well but I don't hear about them too much :-\

maybe I'm old fashion and my game room is like a master bedroom? I don't spend a lot of distance from my game console, i know @Soera loves wireless controllers I just saw his post in search

(my other post),10019.msg164697.html#msg164697
« Last Edit: February 10, 2019, 07:07:22 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Your Opinions On Wired Or Wireless Controllers
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2019, 07:41:00 pm »
I, on the other hand, really love wireless controllers. As someone who has over 25 consoles always hooked up, I dream of a world in which cables will be a thing of the past...
(Actually, the necessity of cables was my biggest disappointment with the Neo Geo Mini...)
I know that many people feel the PS4 controler's battery to be short-lived, but at least for me (who almost never plays continualy for more than a couple of hours) they last long enough.

However, I will take a wired controller over one powered by AA batteries anyday!
(I'm looking at you, Xbox 360 and Wii)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 04:26:27 am by ferraroso »

Re: Your Opinions On Wired Or Wireless Controllers
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2019, 10:41:48 pm »
I love wireless controllers. I don’t mind using wired ones for retro consoles because they’re likely to be hooked up to a smaller 27-40”  monitor only feet away, but for modern gaming the wireless controller is a convenience I don’t want to give up. I just wish Sony didn’t add so many power draining gizmos to the Dualshock 4s (except the headphone jack, that was a godsend), as the Dualshock 3s were pretty much perfect.
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Re: Your Opinions On Wired Or Wireless Controllers
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2019, 11:07:42 pm »
Personally i just like using the official controllers for each system whether they be wireless or not.

Re: Your Opinions On Wired Or Wireless Controllers
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2019, 12:32:33 am »
Wireless controllers are great.  My gaming and PC setup is one in the same, so I don't really need wireless, but I've never had any issues with wireless, though I use wired for my PC, just because I don't need a wireless one for that.  There's not really much difference between them nowadays other than the PS4 one being the worst of the three due to a relatively low battery life (It'll go 4 to 5 hours pretty easily, which is more than enough for most gaming sessions).

Re: Your Opinions On Wired Or Wireless Controllers
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2019, 08:45:33 am »
Wireless controllers are a must-have for anyone with a toddler or medium/large dog. Ever have to jump up screaming becuase a 3 foot creature in your home yanked a controller cable & you needed to stop your console tumbling off the shelf? It's not fun! Plus, it's nice to have multiple machines set up so you just press power & go without having a rat's nest of cables in front of your TV.

For the most part though, I really don't mind wired controllers. I don't have an especially large TV anyway, and it is nice to not have to pause mid-game to plug in a charging cable. I do get annoyed with the ones designed to run on AAs, though- the batteries drain faster, take longer to change, & the rechargeable solutions are often pretty junky. I shelled out for the official 360 plug n' play kits back in the day, and I don't think one of them still holds a charge now. I hook them up with the charge cable & just use them as wired controllers. The Xbox One packs seem a lot better, at least...


Re: Your Opinions On Wired Or Wireless Controllers
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2019, 12:41:36 pm »
Wireless controllers are a must-have for anyone with a toddler or medium/large dog. Ever have to jump up screaming becuase a 3 foot creature in your home yanked a controller cable & you needed to stop your console tumbling off the shelf? It's not fun! Plus, it's nice to have multiple machines set up so you just press power & go without having a rat's nest of cables in front of your TV.

For the most part though, I really don't mind wired controllers. I don't have an especially large TV anyway, and it is nice to not have to pause mid-game to plug in a charging cable. I do get annoyed with the ones designed to run on AAs, though- the batteries drain faster, take longer to change, & the rechargeable solutions are often pretty junky. I shelled out for the official 360 plug n' play kits back in the day, and I don't think one of them still holds a charge now. I hook them up with the charge cable & just use them as wired controllers. The Xbox One packs seem a lot better, at least...

Yes I can see that happening to most gamers especially with a large dog, especially the larger dogs since, a lot of dogs will come barging in the room suddenly  seeking immediate attention, and spin around and take your console and your controller through a tornado around the room.

My family used to have dog just like that. Some larger dogs will not do that, but a lot of them are not that smart enough in my experience to avoid a catastrophe. thankfully I never had a pet do that exactly. Some dogs, toddlers or even cats are more careless and destructive than others are.

I'm guessing that toddlers are usually not too much of a problem if you watch them carefully, but dogs can be a different story.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 11:42:08 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Your Opinions On Wired Or Wireless Controllers
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2019, 04:05:50 pm »
In my experience wired has always been better i.e. Wavebird vs. Wired gamecube controllers. I try to go wired or physically connected for my controllers.

Re: Your Opinions On Wired Or Wireless Controllers
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2019, 10:01:59 pm »
It's pretty simple for me. Wireless if I'm okay with the delay I'll experience and/or want to lounge and not worry about wires, and wired if I want the least delay and am okay with there being a wire. (Some wires are quite short).


Re: Your Opinions On Wired Or Wireless Controllers
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2019, 04:05:43 am »
I'm so used to wireless controllers now since last gen. Mainly on the X360 until I even got a Hori wireless PS2 controller to play my backlog there.

I agree that the XB1 controller battery life is better with double AAs than the PS4 Dualshock as others have mentioned in different threads, but I have noticed the newer PS4 controllers (special color editions) last longer than the base controller that comes with the system.

I have no issue going back to retro wired controllers though when playing on older systems.

  l    l 

Re: Your Opinions On Wired Or Wireless Controllers
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2019, 12:12:06 pm »
I don't have problems with either. The only thing that bugs me with wireless though is if there's a proprietary battery (which is almost always the case if something supports rechargeables), meaning years down the line it'll be hard to replace. Just ask PSP owners how it is trying to get a good working battery, there are no good third-party options and the OEM ones are dying. People give crap for Microsoft still using AAs on their controllers, but they do at least give options. You can use it wired, you can use AAs (and rechargeable AAs have been around for a very, very long time), and you can use their own play and charge kit. I will say though they should be including the play and charge kits with the console and controllers, but they don't, it's an easy money grab.


Re: Your Opinions On Wired Or Wireless Controllers
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2020, 11:52:03 pm »
Has anyone ever had a PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 3 wireless controller stop working completely? I already went through 3 SONY brand wireless PlayStation 3 controllers. that is why I prefer wired controllers. #1 you don't need to charge them. good

But #2 bad I found some PlayStation 3 games need the Duelshock 3 movement functions in order to complete certain PS3 games.

My issues are the PlayStation 3 Dualshock 3 controllers, #1 they are a pain to charge, and #2 they stop working completely after a few months of usage. Sometimes you can fix the controller by pressing the reset button on the back but after that I've had them not last much longer after that

Mine just go dead keep no charge, or any type of function, can anyone tell me why this happens? Is the SONY Branded Duelshock 3's prone to having exploding batteries, or acid leakage?

So I use an OLD Skooll Brand "PS3 and PC" wired controller instead and I've had it for over a year and it still works.

Just remember to turn all vibration on both PlayStation 2 PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 1 games off in the options

 If you want one here is the link
« Last Edit: July 22, 2020, 12:14:17 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Your Opinions On Wired Or Wireless Controllers
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2020, 09:16:35 am »
I'm very pro wireless controllers, but there are a lot of bad wireless controllers.

Like I love the wavebird, but I have so many issues with interference that I just can't use them.

Old tech wireless stuff that uses infrared and such is garbage too.

But a lot of the modern 8bitdo/retrobit stuff is pretty dang good.  I'm waiting on a good wireless N64 controller and Dreamcast controller.