Author Topic: How fragmented do you think the gaming community is?  (Read 2017 times)


How fragmented do you think the gaming community is?
« on: February 13, 2019, 11:47:26 pm »

How fragmented do you think the gaming community is?

What I mean is gamers sticking to a certain genre of game rather than experimenting into more niche genres. 

And why would anyone stick to purely one genre strictly without any branching?


Re: How fragmented do you think the gaming community is?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2019, 01:23:00 am »
For the most part I venture out and will eventually play a different genre. I love The Sims Series on PC the best, and it is unclear for the most part what genre is the sims PC series's qualify as?. From what I hear, but could be wrong,Most people in the gaming communities seem to stick to RPG games.

I mean you can't go much more extreme genre than the sims people simulator series,  ::)
« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 01:24:54 am by oldgamerz »
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Re: How fragmented do you think the gaming community is?
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2019, 02:29:41 am »
For the most part I venture out and will eventually play a different genre. I love The Sims Series on PC the best, and it is unclear for the most part what genre is the sims PC series's qualify as?. From what I hear, but could be wrong,Most people in the gaming communities seem to stick to RPG games.

I mean you can't go much more extreme genre than the sims people simulator series,  ::)
City building simulator; Strategy


Re: How fragmented do you think the gaming community is?
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2019, 03:12:12 am »
I'm not sure how to answer that question.  I have noticed that the younger generation of gamers that have grown up with Xbox and been weaned on the FPS genre tend to stick to it and rarely play anything else (my nephew sticks to Overwatch, Fortnite and Call of Duty although he likes to play Madden sometimes).  As for me I play some FPS but mostly for single player campaigns.  I mainly stick to Adveture, RPGs and platformers (incidentally, those are the genres I grew up on, lol)
Time to make the donuts!

Re: How fragmented do you think the gaming community is?
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2019, 11:55:32 am »
I know that most collectors seem to be fairly focused on what they collect, meaning they tend to stick to no more than a handful of consoles they really want to amass games for. I'm pretty sure the reason for this has to do with how inaccessible retro game collecting has become in terms of price and availability. I see far less catch all collectors that I used to 5 or 6 years ago. So in that sense, yes, I do feel like the gaming community is fairly fragmented.


Re: How fragmented do you think the gaming community is?
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2019, 12:03:31 pm »
From my personal experience some of my younger friends are fragmented towards the FPS genre and I have a difficult time introducing other really good games to them just because they don't like to experiment that much. Personally I try to not be fragmented by playing RPGs, Hack n Slashes, Fighting games, FPS, Platformers, Metroidvanias of course and other genres. I'd feel close-minded if I only played TF2 for example and try to branch out, with the help of some older friends telling me about games like Devil May Cry, Metal Gear and so on.


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Re: How fragmented do you think the gaming community is?
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2019, 12:58:29 pm »
I feel like most gamers, new and old, that I've met stick to 2 or 3 genres, or a dozen franchises or so. I find very rarely people venture outside of their comfort zone when it comes to gaming. Personally, I try to play all different genres and franchises. I'm not going to not get a game just because it's not typically what I play. I do stick to platformers, RPGs, and puzzle games the most though, but I do like action, racing, fighting, FPS and others, even sports games I try once in a while, though moreso Mario-style ones or arcadey experiences. But very rarely have I met someone who enjoys the deeper cuts in gaming, or one who will willingly go out of their comfort zone and try new experiences, whcih is a shame, because people would be missing out on a lot of good games. I admit I was one of those at one point, from NES through Gamecube I was strictly platformer, RPG , puzzle, and occasionally racing. I find myself having more fun with games and almost having too many games that I want to play.

Re: How fragmented do you think the gaming community is?
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2019, 02:00:25 pm »
Now, I could be wrong in what I'm about to say, but this is all what I've observed. Take it with a grain of salt.

By your definition of fragmented, I'd say yes, it is super fragmented. Easy to see why too, because everyone likes different things. Similarly, everyone places different emphasis on how much and how often they game. There's no real rhyme or reason aside from that, but that's fine. There are people like my brother who plays games only a few times per week, if that, and when they do it's always some variation of a FPS. I also met a good friend at college who only really plays Pokemon games and not much else. He even plays competitively, and he's super passionate about the series, but he's not a big gamer aside from that.

Then you have people like me, and I'm sure many others on this site. I couldn't stand to limit myself to one genre or one game or series, and a lot of the fun I have gaming is from playing many things, finding lesser known games, looking for inventive ways developers crossed two or more genres, whatever. Seeing all kinds of things in gaming is what I enjoy. For me being a self-proclaimed collector, I don't have a specific direction. I find good games and I buy them. And of course, I have favorites. I prefer action-heavy games, turn-based strategy RPGs, games that offer difficult but fair challenge, and games which out heavy emphasis on great level design. I'm not as big a fan of open world sandboxes, branching narratives, or overly elaborate stories, though sometimes I'll play one and absolutely love it. Variety is my enjoyment.

So yeah, it really is as simple as seeing what each person prefers in a game and how they enjoy them. Nothing wrong with it.

Re: How fragmented do you think the gaming community is?
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2019, 05:09:24 pm »
I think I play a lot of genres, not all, but a lot nonetheless even if it's just dipping my toes in. However even I have my quirk that people notice, the vast majority of my gaming preferences lean into Japanese games. I play very few western made games. I'd have a hard time even accurately guessing the last western made game I've obtained. I don't care for realistic graphics of FPS and those dominate. However even when I love to death Harvest Moon and RF4 I felt like Stardew Valley really fell flat and I never touch it. I think it's a lot of factors, but I'm not discussing cultural theory here and thread-jacking the place. Or a weird enture out I took: I hate shooters, but I fell in love with Splatoon when it came out on the Wii U. I only tried it cause the wii u was kind of a wasteland, no regrets though.

I think it's just natural that people have preferences, and some people are just less adventurous than others and that is fine if they're happy.