The other collection thread has gone fairly unused for quite awhile, so figured we could just open a brand new one with a focus on toy collecting as I casually pick up stuff as sorta my second collection after what I get with video games. This isn't just a pickup thread, you can post your current collection or maybe something you plan to get, or maybe just talk about new stuff you are excited for.
I spent the weekend selling at the flea market with some friends and while I was trying to make a few bucks, I found a few things pretty cheap for myself. I'm not a huge KH fan, but I wanted this alternate Sora, the Final Fantasy 8 stuff is a neat find and because the packaging is so yellow, I'm just going to open them up, and then this one shop had literally 4 (maybe more) of this House of the Dead zombie figure, and I bought 2, because they were 5 bucks, and my friends bought the other two. I'll open one and either keep the other or give it to a friend.