Finally picked up the best Kevin Nash action figure! lol

Until either Mattel or Ringside Collectibles comes out with something better, yeah, you're not wrong with that statement.
[...] but McFarlane has been doing anime stuff lately for like My Hero that looks rough [...]
McFarlane did a number of releases based on anime characters back in the day (Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Tenchi Muyo, Trigun), but his market has always been centered around western-styled figures, so that's why they tend to look somewhat "iffy". Even so, it'd be criminal to deny that the first wave of My Hero Academia had some class A defects, which I've yet to understand how they managed to slip through QC, not to mention the prototypes for some actually looked better than the final product, which is sad. Overall, though, for me when it comes to McFarlane all I care for is Spawn; I've contemplated numerous times getting some of the DC stuff, but other than Batman Beyond, nothing else has genuinely piqued my interest. In fact, I actually find it funny that some of the Fortnite figures have appealed more to me than the DC stuff. Granted, I haven't gotten any, and doubt I ever will, but they do have their appeal.
Ended up picking up Sanji and Luffy also, these are pretty solid figures, nothing super special about them, but they really nail the visuals and pose pretty well.

They're cool-looking, but kind of have a Happy Meal thing going on, especially Luffy.
Anyway, here's part of my latest haul:

I got this one mainly because I've always wanted a deluxe-sized Spawn figure ever since missing out on the ones from 2005, all of which happen to go for ten times their original price now. All in all, it fills the spot I wanted it to fill, but the gun it comes with really cheapens it a lot. Also, not that I want to knock it any further, but the necroplasm accessory is rather dull, too. The figure is solid, though, and I like it.

I pretty much gave up trying to get the Mighty Morphin team since I became interested in the line rather late, plus Walmart kept restocking figures from other series that, while cool-looking, I wasn't particularly attached to. Fortunately on one visit they had the Black Ranger and Goldar, one of each, which I didn't think twice grabbing, then after that I got the White and Blue Ranger online at a really good price. The rest I'll hopefully get soonish. Other than the original series, I'm somewhat interested in the Zeo team, but I'm mostly hopeful that Hasbro ends up releasing figures for the Turbo Rangers, especially the Phantom Ranger. That'd be cool!

Originally I was invested in getting more of these figures, but their build quality is disappointing, so I think this one will be my last...although admittedly I'm still inclined in getting Heavy Arms and/or Tallgeese. Hopefully by the time they decide to release some Zakus, Epyon or more of the EW Gundams, or perhaps even Physalis (doubt it) they'll improve the quality of the figures. We'll see...

And last, but not least, I'm not into cars, much less into collectible toy cars, but I saw these at Walgreens and truly felt smitten, so I grabbed and took them home with me. I must say that I'm quite happy I got them.