Author Topic: The Toy Collectors  (Read 51765 times)


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #60 on: October 01, 2019, 01:11:10 am »
Wow it turned out really great! Looking forward to seeing the others!


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #61 on: October 02, 2019, 12:12:24 am »
I could never do something like that. It looks really nice.

Wow it turned out really great! Looking forward to seeing the others!

Hey, thanks guys! Appreciate the kind words ;D

Slowly working on the Isopod now, going with a Metallic Silver shell with some Red Rust, let's see how that comes out, heh.
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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #62 on: October 07, 2019, 03:40:01 am »
Wow it turned out really great! Looking forward to seeing the others!

Finished up the Isopod over the weekend. ;D

Really like how the metallic silver paint came out on the plastic. Had to coat it first with a layer of black paint first, then go over with Silver to get that shiny look.  :) Then went over it with some red rust weathering.

Another cool part is that it can roll up into a ball like a pillbug and all the parts inside neatly fold in together. Very intelligent design.

My wife saw how much I'm enjoying building Zoids that she came home and surprised me with a new one! The box is huge.

TRICERADOGOS. Reminds me of the Dodongo from Legend of Zelda ;D

Well, better get started!

« Last Edit: October 07, 2019, 03:52:05 am by mark1982 »
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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #63 on: October 07, 2019, 04:41:59 am »
Finally found one of these over the weekend after looking for months.

Every Half Price Books around me had multiples of these but they wanted $15 for it. I wanted to wait for the price to drop a bit or use a coupon on it during one of their sale weeks. Then out of nowhere, they disappeared from every location (even locations in neighboring states up to 2 hours away).

I just happened to stop by the location nearest my house as we had some time to kill and I spied the box in a clearance bin. Took me the better part of a year to find one again but I did get it for half off.  ;D


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #64 on: October 07, 2019, 10:03:20 am »
Another cool part is that it can roll up into a ball like a pillbug and all the parts inside neatly fold in together. Very intelligent design.

It is like Retrax / Powerhug.


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #65 on: October 07, 2019, 10:38:51 pm »

It is like Retrax / Powerhug.

Insectrons! man, it's been a while. Had to google to refresh my memory. Never saw the Japanese boxed version of the toy before. Cool stuff
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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #66 on: October 08, 2019, 09:40:31 am »
It is like Retrax / Powerhug.
Insectrons! man, it's been a while. Had to google to refresh my memory. Never saw the Japanese boxed version of the toy before. Cool stuff

I have both, but not boxed anymore. Powerhug is so much better in the color department. Almost beautiful, even for a toy that is otherwise quite terrible.


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #67 on: October 11, 2019, 08:25:39 pm »
First of all, another great job. Are you dry brushing for the shading, using an air brush?

Second, I can see why she is your wife  :P Looking forward to seeing the new one assembled as well.


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #68 on: October 14, 2019, 12:51:11 am »
First of all, another great job. Are you dry brushing for the shading, using an air brush?

Second, I can see why she is your wife  :P Looking forward to seeing the new one assembled as well.

Thanks azure ;D

The Tamiya weathering kits is like a dry brush effect for the shading. It's kind of like a paste that can be applied by smudging or using a brush for any touch ups. Reminds me of a makeup kit, only diff is that this stuff stays on and is harder to remove :P.

I'm slowly working on the Triceradogos, finished spraying all the parts in the colors I chose, just need to apply the shadings and assembly. Went for a "Pale" Gold color instead of the yellow. I always preferred the metallic colors for anything robotic, gives off that steel and rusted look.

Heh and yeah, I'm super thankful for my wife putting up with my hobbies, video games and toys. I take care of my family things first, then I can still enjoy and dabble in my hobbies. ;D

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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #69 on: October 14, 2019, 01:24:14 am »
While more obvious in hindsight, I wound up finding something that works fantastic for displaying my collections: Pot lid holders. I've got well over 200 vintage action figures and because of their age, being designed for peghooks over shelves, and just general lopsided weight, a good deal can't stand upright by themselves. So finding a nice support unit that doesn't take up additional shelf space as well as reducing risk of a chain reaction of things falling over is great in my book.

Now I only need to pick up like 10 more of the things to get everything upright.


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #70 on: October 26, 2019, 10:21:51 am »
Did the final touch ups on the Triceratops yesterday ;D I'm liking how the Oil and Gun Metal weathering worked on the lighter "Pale" gold. The textures really stands out on the lighter metallic colors.

Took a while to build and spray since there were so many more parts in this one, but fully enjoyed it. The ram on his head thrusts forward like a battering ram when the motor is switched on. His head opens up like a flower, it's really quite cool. I'm always amazed as how well they are designed and all the intricate parts nicely fold back into place with the gears and motor running without having me to put it back manually. :D

I have a long weekend coming up. I haven't decided on what to do then, definitely play some games. Perhaps a little more ZOIDS as well, heh.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 11:00:24 am by mark1982 »
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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #71 on: October 31, 2019, 07:36:54 pm »
As much as I would like to, I unfortunately can’t afford the luxury of buying more figures and such – not because I can’t afford them, but due to limited space. I will on occasion find something that piques my interest and know can make space for, so I compromise. However, I often find myself between a rock and a hard place when I come across specials, clearances, or just a good price, so I often try to avoid the toy aisle whenever I’m at Walmart or any other store.

With that said, these are my latest toy-related pick ups since March.
*Pardon the bad quality; I’m not into taking pretty pictures.

Mario with Cappy World of Nintendo Figure (March)
Diamond Select Toys: Kingdom Hearts Action Figures, Series 2.5 - Limit Form Sora and Dusk (July)
Diamond Select Toys: Kingdom Hearts Action Figures, Series 2.5 - Dusk (August)

Bought these at a Walgreens near where I live. I like the World of Nintendo figures, but I’m picky with them; I’m still trying to find Wario from series 1-1. The Kingdom Hearts figures were on clearance, so I took Sora and Dusk with me, but left Donald. Then on another visit I noticed all the figures were gone except for a lone Dusk, so I took it home.

McFarlane Toys Collector's Club Exclusive Bag of Iszs - from The Maxx (March)

These little critters  complement The Maxx from Spawn: Ultra-Action Figures, Series 4. As the name implies, they were an exclusive item that you could only get from McFarlane Toys Collector's Club, and because of that they used to demand upwards of $50-$70 in the secondhand market (crazy, I know). These were in my sight for some time, but I wasn't really serious about getting them until I found a good deal on eBay.

McFarlane Toys Color Tops #34: Commando Spawn (March)
McFarlane Toys Spawn, Series 33: The Age of Pharaohs - The Jackal King (May)
McFarlane Toys Spawn Ultra-Action Figures, Series 4: Exo-Skeleton Spawn (October)
McFarlane Toys Spawn Ultra-Action Figures, Series 5: Viking Spawn (October)
McFarlane Toys Spawn Ultra-Action Figures, Series 6: Battleclad Spawn (October)

Spawn has been one of my favorite comicbook characters ever since I picked up issue #44 back in March 1996, and discovering the action figures one day at a KB Toys didn’t help. My fixation with the character has caused me to amass a lot of the figures throughout the years, and although I’m getting them sparsely, I’m closing in to completing my collection. I used to be able to find Spawn figures quite easily on the wild, but nowadays the well has dried up, so eBay is my only option. The last three I got fairly recently in a lot, and I'm very happy with them; I've wanted to add Battleclad Spawn to my collection for a good while now. Admittedly the Exo-Skeleton Spawn I got isn't the version I'm looking for, but the blister has already yellowed and it's very brittle, so I'll keep it and possibly give it a paint job (hopefully I’ll do it 'cause I procrastinate like crazy).

Funko Pop! Movies: Ghostbusters - #747 Slimer with Hot Dogs (Translucent), Walmart Exclusive (September)

I, in all honesty, could care less about Funko Pops, but while at Walmart, I spotted this one and my eyes lit up. This guy is based on one of my favorite scenes, and while I find Funko Pops unappealing, I just had to take this one home with a beaming smile and all. There were two versions, but I liked this one quite better. I like that it’s #747.

Hopefully I'll have more to share soon.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 01:37:11 am by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #72 on: December 05, 2019, 05:21:57 pm »
Aside from a Godzilla thing here and there, I haven't really been buying much toys, but after the Mandalorian series and Jedi Fallen Order, it's really reinvigorated my love for Star Wars and so I decided to finally dive into Black Series 6" figures.  While I was too late for a Mandalorian figure right now, I was in time for some good Amazon sales on a bunch of the figures.  I've always been a huge fan of Trooper designs going all the way back to the classic Storm Troopers (Clone Wars are probably my least favorite designs, but not terrible), so I'm focusing entirely on Troopers and Mandalorian (show and just Mandalorians in general) related stuff and this is what I got right now.

This is the current group, though I might grab one or two more on Amazon as they are like under 15 bucks still and that's basically the price I'm looking at for these if I can.

Something I hope shows up in this 6" line is a Dash Rendar from Shadows of the Empire and a Clone Commando from Republic Commando.  I could see both happening maybe, as Darth Revan did get his own figure recently, so why not an important character from another Star Wars game, and the Clone Commando showed back up in Battlefront 2 this year.  One thing that gives me hope in Dash Rendar, is that apparently he's talked about in a canon book that came out from the Solo movie, so he wasn't lost in the EU purge.  Also seemed to be an easter egg in the Disney Infinity game, so that's double canon right there lol

« Last Edit: December 06, 2019, 05:07:53 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #73 on: December 22, 2019, 05:57:18 am »
Last update on these for awhile, I've basically run out of the cheap/on sale ones to get and I really shouldn't buy anymore lol There's a couple Mandalorian things I'll get eventually and I want that red Sith Jump Trooper because man the armor looks good in red, but I'm hoping to do a little hunting over the next month or so, maybe find some of the figures I need on the cheap and loose if I can get lucky.


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #74 on: December 24, 2019, 03:34:40 am »
Nice Star Wars collection there Kamikaze ;D

I have a few of the Black Series myself, but I haven’t been able to find the new Mandalorian figure in my area yet, probably all sold out the few times I went to check..
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