Author Topic: Disappointed at the reveal of Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield (the next gen)  (Read 2487 times)

1) The graphics are poor, like a bad cel-shaded chibi style. I wasn't expecting ultra realistic but I was expecting them to have nailed a pleasing art style by now. There are many, many bad/flat/bland textures in this.

2) Old pokemon returning. Do we really need to see Pikachu again in the 8th generation of pokemon?

3) It's very cutesy. It's abundantly clear that this is targeted to children. Now I know it has always been a kids game but gens 1 through say 4 weren't like this. Gen 1 had bikers and gamblers and an evil organisation, a game corner with slot machines and eerie music in Lavender town, Gen 2 had a person steal a pokemon from the lab in the starting town and an evil organisation cutting tails off of Slowpoke pokemon. They weren't overtly games for children.

4) It looks real samey to Sun and Moon not like the next evolution (no pun intended) in pokemon.

5) None of the starters speak to me. They have awful names, they look like they're from a different franchise and they're Fire/Water/Grass AGAIN.

6) It's not in the short trailer but in the full pokemon direct they showed off the world map. And I hate it. It's totally unrealistic it goes straight vertical up basically and there looks like only one town in the whole region and then just a bunch of token biomes (desert, snow, jungle). Watch this video (the nintendo direct) from 4 mins 44 seconds in here:
Look at that crap. It doesn't look like a place people live. The first game was like a bunch of inter-connected towns and cities, a world like our own, only with these fascinating creatures that people trade and battle. This game's region looks like a couple of castles surrounded by lakes, mountains and snow, it's like the world of Final Fantasy. 

7) The titles for the games suck.

Everything about this is disappointing to me. And I recently bought a 2DS and binged Crystal, Alpha Sapphire, X, Sun and Ultra Moon. I've really enjoyed pokemon a lot all the way from Red and Blue so this should be an easy thing to please me with. I've never had a feeling of 'this is just the same damn thing' between any generation of pokemon but this looks like the same damn thing as last gen if not worse.

Super bummed. I was really excited for this (the next generation of pokemon) prior to having any sight or knowledge of it. I'll probably still buy it because hey new pokemon ... but god I'm so disappointed. I don't know what exactly I wanted I just know that this isn't it.

Maybe it's because Pokemon is traditionally a handheld game and as a console game this looks very poor, like a budget title. A lot of the flooring reminds me of old Dynasty Warriors titles that looked that way because hundreds of soldiers were on screen at once, extremely low poly textures that look like the texture hasn't even popped in yet.

What do you think?

I was going to address each of your points, but you are obviously just trolling and baiting people with your dumbass nit picks of the trailer and very limited info we got. "Oh, the map us too vertical! Oh, oh, the starters are fire, water, and grass again! Oh, why is it a kids game again!!!"

Jesus christ, what did you expect from a main Pokemon game? This isn't GTA or Farcry for $#@! sake. It's obvious aren't a Pokemon fan so quit pretending you are. Of course, knowing your reputation, you very well might be and decided you just want to start shit with people on here again.

I don't really know what you were expecting out of a new Pokemon game, especially with their history.  The graphics look good, of course there would be old Pokemon, it would be a bad idea to not, of course they would be Fire, Water, and Grass, this has always been a series aimed at children since the start, the map has plenty of cities and towns and is design is clearly based on the UK and is interconnected by a train system.  Sword and Shield is also a cool name and fitting for its UK setting.

About the only thing I'd slightly agree with is the starters.  I don't particularly love any of their designs, though Sobble is growing on me.  It'll depend more on their evolutions, though I'll probably go Sobble since I generally like water being that my Gen 1 pick was Squirtle.  Kinda just stuck that way.

The only disappointment I have is that they didn't put Pokemon on the map like Let's Go.  Would've been great that way.

2) Old pokemon returning. Do we really need to see Pikachu again in the 8th generation of pokemon?

Pikachu is the face of the Pokemon franchise. I dont even know why im answering this

I'll just wait for the 3rd game:

I was going to address each of your points, but you are obviously just trolling and baiting people with your dumbass nit picks of the trailer and very limited info we got. "Oh, the map us too vertical! Oh, oh, the starters are fire, water, and grass again! Oh, why is it a kids game again!!!"

Jesus christ, what did you expect from a main Pokemon game? This isn't GTA or Farcry for $#@! sake. It's obvious aren't a Pokemon fan so quit pretending you are. Of course, knowing your reputation, you very well might be and decided you just want to start shit with people on here again.

This post is the most triggered thing I have ever seen on the internet.


These complaints/nitpicks aren't anything new. Every new generation has its share of disgruntled fans that, as you so well put it, "still buy it because hey new pokemon".


I'll just wait for the 3rd game:


I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

I was going to address each of your points, but you are obviously just trolling and baiting people with your dumbass nit picks of the trailer and very limited info we got. "Oh, the map us too vertical! Oh, oh, the starters are fire, water, and grass again! Oh, why is it a kids game again!!!"

Jesus christ, what did you expect from a main Pokemon game? This isn't GTA or Farcry for $#@! sake. It's obvious aren't a Pokemon fan so quit pretending you are. Of course, knowing your reputation, you very well might be and decided you just want to start shit with people on here again.

This post is the most triggered thing I have ever seen on the internet.

I'm not sure what about my post makes you think I'm triggered. I see a lot of potential in the new game and I knew what to expect from the new game given the history of the franchise. And yet you act like it's some surprise that the game is aimed at younger games, it has starters of the same types as previous gens, and it has cartoonish graphics. I'm more so pointing out how much of a moron and petty troll you are. Your life must be pretty pathetic and sad if the highlight of your day is coming on a small internet forum to troll people about video games and collecting, while making pointless posts about your none existent stock portfolio, again on a video game forum. I speak for many on here when I say, please leave. It's only short of a miracle you haven't been banned yet.


I was going to address each of your points, but you are obviously just trolling and baiting people with your dumbass nit picks of the trailer and very limited info we got. "Oh, the map us too vertical! Oh, oh, the starters are fire, water, and grass again! Oh, why is it a kids game again!!!"

Jesus christ, what did you expect from a main Pokemon game? This isn't GTA or Farcry for $#@! sake. It's obvious aren't a Pokemon fan so quit pretending you are. Of course, knowing your reputation, you very well might be and decided you just want to start shit with people on here again.

This post is the most triggered thing I have ever seen on the internet.

I'm not sure what about my post makes you think I'm triggered. I see a lot of potential in the new game and I knew what to expect from the new game given the history of the franchise. And yet you act like it's some surprise that the game is aimed at younger games, it has starters of the same types as previous gens, and it has cartoonish graphics. I'm more so pointing out how much of a moron and petty troll you are. Your life must be pretty pathetic and sad if the highlight of your day is coming on a small internet forum to troll people about video games and collecting, while making pointless posts about your none existent stock portfolio, again on a video game forum. I speak for many on here when I say, please leave. It's only short of a miracle you haven't been banned yet.
That's his defense against any criticism. It's obvious he's no collector and he doesn't get why people collect yet he's easily the most active poster on this forum for the past year or so. As soon as his post isn't the most recent on the "Latest Threads" he makes a new one. Sometimes two or three consecutively even.
My guess is he's made over 100 topics with probably half of them being rhetorical questions, or posts fishing for answers to make snarky remarks at.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

This thread was just entirely my impression of a video game reveal and somehow certain people here see this as an attack or ‘trolling’ against them.


IMO opinion these games look allot more interesting than pokemon lets go

Especially the overworld seems pretty ineteresting, Might be more of a console game compared to pokemon lets go depending on how the perspective will look when walking around.

Just hoping they remove the pokemon go mechanics and i might give it a shot.
Your Stylish Sword Master!

For the most part I thought it looks solid.

I'm extremely glad they're bringing back old Pokemon. As much as I like being introduced to new ones, it sucks not being able to to use old favourites. The region/overworld looks beautiful and we don't know enough about it to judge how it will be interconnected. Nothing about it looks any more kiddy than XY/SM, I'd say it's going slightly in the opposite direction. Starters look ok to me, especially considering it always takes a while to warm up to new designs.