Author Topic: Keeping Up With the DLC - Fed Up With Waiting For A Complete Game?  (Read 1631 times)


With the release of more Final Fantasy XV DLC, I find myself in a position once again where I feel DLC simply doesn't suit my way of playing a game.

The thing is, I buy a game and play through the experience, then I am done with it and moving onto something else. When a developer then release a DLC episode or story content that is substantial, I'm reluctant to go back to it as I am playing my next game already. Going back to a game after the experience just to play DLC just doesn't feel right, especially when it is story content set in a certain time-frame within the games adventure - Final Fantasy XV is set within chapters and these Story DLC Episodes are set within the time-frame of chapters midway through the game. I can't just jump into the DLC with the same enthusiasm post game because I just feel I'm done with it - This is why I still haven't even touched FFXV's DLC, other than the stupid cross-over ones as they're effectively post game content.

but I am hearing that Kingdom Hearts III is also getting DLC, which after completing it was obviously lacking post-game content - to the point where there was no point synthesising items or upgrading to the Ultimate Weapon as there was no challenge available to test it with. Now, having moved on to other games of course, the news of upcoming DLC is just nauseating, I'm done with the experience and going back to the game without any of the momentum of a playthrough just feels like a slog.

I get why they do this, because of the importance of having a presence within the Social Media age, but I hate the repercussions of that in getting a game in drips and drabs. I just want to buy a game, day one experience it and be done with it... but them experiences are becoming few and far between with DLC. Now, if I see a game has a Season Pass, I usually wait 6months to a year to see if a Game of the Year/Complete Edition pops up with the DLC all on disc - Still waiting Wolfenstien 2! But when a games still got DLC 2+ years after the release it can be very trying.

I'm jus curious to see what other people think on DLC, as it is something that has really begun to test my patience with the industry as a whole and put me off buying games Day One in general.

Re: Keeping Up With the DLC - Fed Up With Waiting For A Complete Game?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2019, 03:55:29 am »
I don't have a problem with DLC as long as they can justify the content and it doesn't seem like content stripped from the game.  FFXV is a unique problem in that the game went through development hell and to make release was forced to cut out content.  Also likely done to recoup costs.  The problem with FFXV wasn't that it had DLC, it was that the Episodes sucked, but that's an unrelated topic lol

Kingdom Hearts 3 is probably slightly similar, lengthy development time and to make release, they had to cut side content.  I personally don't mind it quite as much as KH3 is otherwise a pretty complete experience.

Just something you'll have to get use to as DLC isn't changing.


Re: Keeping Up With the DLC - Fed Up With Waiting For A Complete Game?
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2019, 06:05:51 am »
I personally don't have a problem with DLC, as it can expand a given game in interesting ways. I do have a problem with announcing DLC/Season Passes/what have you before the game has launched, though. I'm also one of those who tends to wait for a GOTY release.


Re: Keeping Up With the DLC - Fed Up With Waiting For A Complete Game?
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2019, 11:39:05 am »
I only get DLC if I'm really interested in the game. I also don't get games on day 1 either, only on a rare few occasions.

Perfect example is Spider-Man, by the time I played it, all of the DLC was available so I played it along with the base game.

The last game which I went back to play DLC was probably the Witcher III, but those were more like huge expansions rather than the common DLC add-on. To me the Witcher III expansions is the proper way to do DLC with heaps of extra content adding whole new areas to discover.

To be honest I usually stay away from it unless it's a substantial amount of extra content.
  l    l 


Re: Keeping Up With the DLC - Fed Up With Waiting For A Complete Game?
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2019, 12:31:07 pm »
I hate DLC. Harumph and all that.

Sadly, it's here to stay. I still haven't played Final Fantasy XV yet because I'm not sure if the version I have (Royal Edition) is the complete one.

There were three times I downloaded DLC extensions. Two of them were fun. One wasn't. The two fun ones were for Muramasa: Rebirth and Bloodborne. The not fun one was for Gravity Rush. The main reason I downloaded them was so I could get all of the trophies on the PSN. If they end up being fun, then I don't feel so bad about paying extra.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2019, 12:34:57 pm by kashell »

Re: Keeping Up With the DLC - Fed Up With Waiting For A Complete Game?
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2019, 02:53:06 pm »
Sadly, it's here to stay. I still haven't played Final Fantasy XV yet because I'm not sure if the version I have (Royal Edition) is the complete one.

It's not.  That's the version that came out beginning of last year with some expanded areas, but it doesn't include the Ardyn DLC coming up.

Re: Keeping Up With the DLC - Fed Up With Waiting For A Complete Game?
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2019, 06:35:15 pm »
I bought DLC in a wrestling game on PlayStation 3, to get more fighters in a fighting game I think optional DLC is just ok.
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Re: Keeping Up With the DLC - Fed Up With Waiting For A Complete Game?
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2019, 08:56:22 am »
Most of the DLC's I get are for fighting games to have all the characters, because I hate seeing an empty spot in the character selection lol
For story DLC's, I will only get them if I really liked the game, so far the story DLC's I've bought are DLC's for The Last of US, Mass Effect 1-3, Red Dead Redemption, GTA IV, Infamous Second Son and Watch Dogs.  Usually if the DLC is a stand alone DLC, there will be a higher chance I'll buy since it's more interesting than a simple in game DLC.


Re: Keeping Up With the DLC - Fed Up With Waiting For A Complete Game?
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2019, 03:52:21 pm »
I'd rather wait until an "ultimate/complete with all DLC" version of whatever game I'm interested in comes out instead. If it doesn't, then so be it. Only DLC I have ever bought was for Mega Man 9 and 10 and Space Invaders: Get Even for the Wii. As I have said before, DLC isn't intrinsically bad, but it has become a detriment in this day and age.

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