I'll break down what I like and Don't like about each genre along with a letter grade
EDM- C+ - Very fine tight rope. I border in between wanting to die and being happy when listening to it depending on the beat. Some beats with extremely high note profiles that just make your ears ring with what sounds to be an elephant dying over an autotuned mic. Those are bad examples but I do love some of the deadmau5 discography. I'm what one would consider a casual
Rap/Hip Hop - A+ - By far my favorite genre. I always liked it growing up. Rap takes me to a place when I listen to it. A lot more emphasis on vocabulary, messages and lyricism then instrumentalizations. While I can admit much of rap now has tooken a big decline. I still do love many of the up and coming artists. It also gets me into a zone when I game. I prefer more profound content over the current mumble stuff.
Rock - D+ Some rock I can get into. But for the most part I don't like it. I don't loathe it. But it just seems overly yelly, chorus repeats too much and I'm not too huge on it
Metal - C+ I like metal more than rock. Mostly because it's kick ass lol. It's just pump up fuel. Most of it has demonic messaging which I really don't care for but the instrumentals border on episodic masterpieces. It conveys a beautiful utopia of melodic notes in your spinal cord.
Pop - C - I crush on so many pop stars more so then I like their content. It's over simplified dumbed down music mostly about romancing and then having hardships with said romance so you try to romance again.
Country - C- More of the sad romance stuff. I lost my girl, she found a guy with a much nicer crop harvester. blah blah blah. But some of the classic country is what I like

Disco - D- -
Jazz - N/A - I don't listen to enough of it to judge.