Author Topic: Your Favorite And Least Favorite Kind Of Music  (Read 5710 times)

Re: Your Favorite And Least Favorite Kind Of Music
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2018, 11:06:25 pm »
Pirate Rock

Is this considered it's own genre now? Like is it anything more than like Alestorm and Running Wild? lol Just found it funny to see this show up twice in this thread.  I actually like Alestorm, mostly because I like having themes in my metal like Vikings with Amon Amarth or Ghost with their demonic pope theme.


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Re: Your Favorite And Least Favorite Kind Of Music
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2018, 11:07:48 pm »
Favorite: Metal preferentially Power Metal

Dislike: Rap... Also is it weird to feel a burning sensation if you happen to hear Gospel music... Asking for a friend

Gospel music gives certain gifted people a burning sensation in their chest area because it allows God to enter our body to comfort our soul, It's a Christian thing, and yes it is normal. The Christians call it the Holy Spirit in which is actually God's spiritual communication with us Christians. It is how God can actually talk to us.. I am an advanced biblical teacher in another place on the internet and this burning sensation in the chest of your friend is actually is a vary good sign. unless he or she is feeling pain in the chest

As far as Gospel music goes I think it is alright, but for my religious music I prefer "Guitar Included Christian Rock music. The Holy Spirit/God is also felt in un-corrupted churches it is a burning sensation in the chest area and it means God is blessing and working with you also

Oh Sorry must not have been specific enough. It's more of the I see my skin floating off my arm cause it's so hot kind of burning... so I've been told.

Re: Your Favorite And Least Favorite Kind Of Music
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2018, 07:53:45 am »
I'll break down what I like and Don't like about each genre along with a letter grade :)

EDM- C+  -  Very fine tight rope.  I border in between wanting to die and being happy when listening to it depending on the beat.  Some beats with extremely high note profiles that just make your ears ring with what sounds to be an elephant dying over an autotuned mic.  Those are bad examples but I do love some of the deadmau5 discography.  I'm what one would consider a casual :) 

Rap/Hip Hop - A+ -  By far my favorite genre. I always liked it growing up.  Rap takes me to a place when I listen to it.  A lot more emphasis on vocabulary, messages and lyricism then instrumentalizations. While I can admit much of rap now has tooken a big decline.  I still do love many of the up and coming artists.  It also gets me into a zone when I game.  I prefer more profound content over the current mumble stuff.

Rock - D+    Some rock I can get into.  But for the most part I don't like it.  I don't loathe it.  But it just seems overly yelly, chorus repeats too much and I'm not too huge on it :(

Metal - C+    I like metal more than rock.  Mostly because it's kick ass lol.  It's just pump up fuel.  Most of it has demonic messaging which I really don't care for but the instrumentals border on episodic masterpieces.  It conveys a beautiful utopia of melodic notes in your spinal cord.

Pop - C -  I crush on so many pop stars more so then I like their content.  It's over simplified dumbed down music mostly about romancing and then having hardships with said romance so you try to romance again.

Country - C-    More of the sad romance stuff.  I lost my girl, she found a guy with a much nicer crop harvester.  blah blah blah.  But some of the classic country is what I like :D

Disco - D-  -

Jazz - N/A -  I don't listen to enough of it to judge. 


Re: Your Favorite And Least Favorite Kind Of Music
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2018, 10:57:12 am »
Would also be lying if I didn't listen to a ton of video game soundtracks too! Some amazing music to be had.  8)
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Re: Your Favorite And Least Favorite Kind Of Music
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2018, 12:21:43 pm »
Thrash/Crossover Hardcore Punk


Re: Your Favorite And Least Favorite Kind Of Music
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2018, 01:20:32 pm »
I'm surprised at how many different genres I like, from classical to metal. Video games have played a large part in that, I'm sure. I can't stand country and folk music, though.

Re: Your Favorite And Least Favorite Kind Of Music
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2018, 10:15:05 pm »
Whatever is playing on the radio is usually fine with me. Mainly top 40 I guess, rock/pop/hip hop/r&b. It’s easily accessible and I don’t have to go searching for it.

I also like some punk and metal. Classical, jazz and symphony are great to see live as well.

I don’t really care for country music or religious.


Re: Your Favorite And Least Favorite Kind Of Music
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2018, 11:54:55 am »
Favourite: Post-punk, punk, goth rock, coldwave, new wave (basically anything with similar sounds to those), indie, alternative, 80s
Least fav: House/techno/all that stuff, progressive metal, any of that over the top metal, country

Here's a genre cloud thing of my most listened to music from my account


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Re: Your Favorite And Least Favorite Kind Of Music
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2018, 11:02:22 am »
I like music. 
There's not many genres that I can't find anything I like.
Modern Country is probably my least favorite, because it tries to be everything else.  It wants to be pop, rap, and throw in some country tropes like backroads and "I like beer".  Somehow it sells. 

It finally happened though.  I got old.  I always said I would stay current on music.  I would be down with the new rock music forever.  Then something happened.  SiriusXM unveiled a channel called Turbo.  It's Channel 41 on your XM dial.  It's 90's and 2000's rock.  Holy Shit.  Octane (New Rock) just got replaced.  Then, I found SiriusXM FLY, 90's 2000's HipHop.  Holy Shit!  Then weirdly, I found Prime Country.  You guessed it.  It's 90's country. 

It finally happened.  I'm old.  I don't have SnapChat and I listen to the oldies stations.  They times have passed me by.  It won't be long and my VCR will be blinking 12:00 for months at a time until my grandkids come by to fix it for me.  He's so good with computers.   ;)


Re: Your Favorite And Least Favorite Kind Of Music
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2018, 10:27:08 pm »
I am a metal head.  Though I don't necessarily stick to specific genre.  I can easily go from Sonata Arctica > Lamb of God > The Sword > Sabaton > Cannibal Corpse > Dimmu Borgir > Helmet, and hit everything in between. 

I also like to listen to full orchestral pieces, classical music, piano instrumentals like those by Ludovico Einaudi.  Also have a soft spot for acoustic arrangements by artists like Antoine Dufour.  I can't leave out the Blues

Now as far that which I can and do, do without.  Rap/Hip Hop especially anything in the last several decades.  New style Country, Gospel and Bluegrass.


Re: Your Favorite And Least Favorite Kind Of Music
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2019, 07:28:28 am »
Does anyone listen to any modern or late 1990's Pop Music? I actually like what everybody seems to hate such as some of the Backstreet Boys and NSYNC, as well as Britney Spears, but at the moment I am not ashamed to admit this, I do listen to Lady Gaga and Katy Perry also.

but, I can't say I actually like them as people meaning (what rumors say these people are currently doing behind the curtain today) but I do dig a lot of their music.

I also like Rock, Blues, Old Country but I am not too much into orchestras and classical, and Jazz types of music
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Re: Your Favorite And Least Favorite Kind Of Music
« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2019, 04:50:17 pm »
Being born in the countryside of São Paulo state, the kind of music I listen to the most is SERTANEJO by far!
It is a kind of Brazilian country music, very often compared to other styles of Latin American folk songs.
Here are some examples:

Tonico & Tinoco: Chico Mineiro

Chitãozinho e Xororó: Saudade da Minha Terra

Matogrosso & Matias feat. Léu: Boiadeiro Errante

Also, when I'm working, I very often listen to Jazz, Blues or Classic, my favorite of this last genre being Bach.

And finally, even though I tend to like the songs that Japan produced in the 80's and 90's, my favorite beeing ZARD (of which I happen to be a member of the official Fan Club), I hate most of contemporary JPop (like AKB48 and their clones) and KPop.

ZARD: Don't you see

ZARD: Kimi ga ita kara

ZARD: My Friend
« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 05:19:33 pm by ferraroso »


Re: Your Favorite And Least Favorite Kind Of Music
« Reply #27 on: March 29, 2019, 01:25:32 am »
Favorites - Modern/Hard Rock, Alternative Rock/Pop, Post-Hardcore, Pop Punk, Progressive Rock/Metal, Classic Rock, Indie Pop/Rock

Least Favorites: Country, Bluegrass, Religious, 80s anything, Electro/EDM/Dubstep inspired Radio Pop